Chapter 3: Knowing Me, Knowing You

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After that night filled with confusing feelings and swarming little butterflies the two started to feel more normal around each other. They knew they still liked one another they just decided to push those feelings aside for now. But that didn't mean they wouldn't still flirt with each other because they did that everyday. Some days the Pogues would feel awkward, but they seemed to not care anymore because it was cute.


It was day 7 according to JJ's tally marks he carved in the tree. Everyone was more comfortable on the island since they had a great number of supplies. They even managed to make boards and don't even ask me how they did it. They worked really well the first time they tried them the second time not so much.

"You see that? That's the motherload!" Kiara explained as she spotted the waves getting bigger by the second. Kiara had been chilling with Cleo as the sat on their boards in the water. Cleo may not have been known for her surfing, but she was pretty good at it. The thing was she gets really scared of big waves, Kiara was not though.

"That's a monster right there!" Cleo stated getting scared just by looking at them. Cleo hadn't known Kiara that long, but she immediately knew she was one of those girls. The two got along quickly since they gave off the same energy.

"So what's life like back in the Outer Banks, I've never been?" Cleo asked as Kiara looked into the distance.

"Well it was paradise most days, until it got very chaotic. Other than that it was amazing. We got to surf all day and do whatever we want without being restricted" Kie explained to Cleo, still looking at the sky.

"Wish I could've lived there. Seems like your parents didn't care where you were"

"No, they definitely did its just sometimes they would let it slide. My mom married a Pogue while she was a Kook so sometimes I got away with somethings. But it went too far this time..."

"What do you mean by that?" Cleo questioned finally getting Kiara to look in her direction.

"Before all this chaos occurred, me and my parents weren't doing so good. They kicked me out if the house because I didn't come home at the time they wanted. But it was mainly because I was hanging out with the boys too much! I really wish they could understand why... but they never will. They tried to convince me that John B and Sarah were dead. When they could've comforted me instead. They even got to the point of sending me to boarding school!" Kiara angrily described while Cleo felt bad for her.

"I just don't understand what to do because I really miss them. But it feels like they don't miss me. A day before I ran away I saw how happy they were without me. They seemed really happy. What if that's how it should be" Kiara explained looking down at her necklace nervously.

"Girl don't you say that! Your their daughter of course they care about you. And that's how parents are they do what's best for their child. That's why they probably want you to go to boarding school. So don't ever say that they don't care about you or miss you because you are one of the most important things in their life" Cleo reassured her making Kiara feel a little less weight off her shoulders. Cleo was right and she knew that.

"Thank you that makes me feel a little better. I hope I'm not making you depressed or anything talking about my shitty problems!"

"Of course not it's nice to talk about feelings with someone. I usually don't get to do that kind of thing often" Cleo stated making Kiara wonder what she meant by that. Kiara switched the roles because now she wanted to know more about her life as well.

"Well now is a great time to do that. Enough about me what about you what is life like in the Bahamas. I want the whole backstory, no judgement here sis"

"Not the best life a girl like me could ask for, but I had no choice. When I was younger my father left me and he was the only parent I had left. I never got to know about my mom since I was too young to understand. Anyways dad left then I was left to live with Granny. She was the best she really knew how to take care of me. But of course I lost her too. So I was forced to live on the streets. Then one day I met some guy who asked 'You know how to tie a bowline?' he was Captain Terrance best person I've ever met by far, no offense. Then the rest is history my friend. I mean look where it's gotten me I mean I am technically living my fantasy" Cleo explained her story while Kie listened closely. Before Kiara thought she had it bad with her family. But it seemed Cleo had a worse life than her.

"Your life seems...." Kiara tried to say crazy, but Cleo cut her off.

"Crazy! Yeah I know, but I'm not complaining I'm just happy to be alive and healthy"

The two sat in silence for a little, pondering as they felt the ocean breeze. They savored the quietness since the sound of waves crashing made everything so peaceful.

Cleo had finally realized she found another friend that would be by her side for life. Even when she didn't know her for long she had still trusted her.

"So I'm guessing things went well with your little crush huh?" Cleo pointed out thinking Kie and JJ were a thing now.

"You mean JJ... no nothing happened, I haven't really talked to him about it yet" Kiara stated as she looked to the shore to see JJ and John B chilling.

"Are you sure... because it seems the two of you are head over heels for each other. Since y'all have been flirting all the time" Cleo said while Kiara started to move her hand through the water.

"I don't know what your talking about..." Kiara blushed at the thought of it.

"Uh huh you know exactly what I'm talking about you just too shy to admit it girlfriend!"

"Well since we're talking about this topic maybe you should explain what's going on between you and Pope!" Kiara smoothly changed the subject making Cleo blush now.

"Nothing is going on trust me! I just might have a little attraction to him!" Cleo admitted making Kiaras mouth open wide playfully. "That's all!" Cleo exclaimed.

"Enough about boys these waves are teasing me. I need to ride it now!" Kiara admitted which came out very wrong. Cleo was concerned for her because she had been looking at how insane these waves were and got scared.

"I don't know Kie those look very dangerous what if you get hurt!" Cleo tried to stop her, but she looked too motivated.

"I live for danger! Don't worry I got this, I'm a professional!" Kiara reassured her, but Cleo was still worried. She couldn't stop her now it was too late.

As Kiara prepared herself for the waves that were to come. She laid on her board building up the speed to stand up. Her heart had been beating so fast that made her way too excited for this moment.

Kiara didn't know this but JJ had been looking at Kiara this entire time. He watched her from a far distance and even he was worried for her.

It was time, Kiara had stood on her board and began to ride the wave. She felt proud to ride such a big wave. She could hear cheering from Cleo and from the others at the island. The biggest grin was placed on her face from feeling so successful.

That was until she heard the board snap apart.

*Thanks for reading!! So sorry for the cliffhanger. No jiara content but it's okay because I felt this chapter was important since we could see the friendship between Cleo and Kie start to grow. But I promise there will be lots of jiara in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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