Chapter 13: Too Long

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JJ had just said the three words Kie had never expected him to say. Or at least to say it out loud to her. Those words meant everything to her and he knew that. She felt conflicted about whether she should keep walking or turn around and finally embrace her feelings. She pushed him away so many times, but no matter what he would never give up.

She built up the courage to turn around and face him. Her heart had skipped a beat when she saw the lust in his eyes. Why was it so hard for her to just tell him how she felt. She had waited this long so why not just let it all out now.

JJ's feet shifted back and forth waiting for her to say something, anything. He even played with his fingers to calm himself, so he wouldn't push her. When she eventually turned around he stopped breathing for a second and almost suffocated him as their eyes met.

"Why now JJ? Why tell me this when we both have already complicated this so much?" Kie questioned emphasizing their relationship.

"Because it must mean something if all I can think about what you said to me today, or even if you looked at me. Ever since that day on the boat you are all I've ever thought about. I'm so sick of denying and being such a pussy to tell you how much I want you to be mine"

Before JJ could go on with his speech thunder had clapped and rain started to slowly fall from the sky. This setting couldn't have been more perfect.

"I have waited and waited! Hell, I had to watch you be with my best friends. Do you know how hard that was for me just to sit back and act like I was okay with it? I even tried to help them win you over when I easily could have just fucked them over. I knew I was in love with you the first time you held me after my dad beat my ass. And I know that's when you did too" JJ had poured his heart out that he wasn't sure if he'd survive if she rejected him.

The rain had started to become heavier and the two were still in the same spot they had been in. Kiara was more nervous than she had ever been because she didn't know how to respond to that. So she didn't!

"Fuck it," Kie said under her breath. As she strided over to JJ. She wasted no time closing the space between them. It took JJ a second to realize her lips were on his which encouraged him to move in sync with hers.

He had pictured this situation so many times in his mind and now that it was actually happening he couldn't be happier. The fact that it was raining made it even more magical.

The kiss was slow, but as they started to feel more comfortable JJ got confident. He swiped his tongue on her bottom lip earning a pleasing sound from Kie. Inside JJ was screaming just to know that he could make her do that. Even though he was getting confident he kept his hands in a respectful place on her hips to not push her away. I mean it's Kie for crying out loud he couldn't ruin this once-in-a-lifetime moment.

On the other hand, Kie didn't think about it too much. It being JJ was enough for her to relax into him. She knew him so well that she didn't have to worry about what she was doing right and wrong. She also knew that certain things she could do would drive him crazy. So when he slipped his tongue in sneakily she promptly groaned weakening him in the knees. Her hands were in the same place the whole time, playing with his golden curls which were now wet from the heavy rain.

The two were starting to lose their breath so Kie had pulled away from JJ who seemed to want to keep going. She was finally ready, there was no reason to run away now. Their foreheads were pressed together and they were both out of breath. Kie could tell JJ was still hungry for more by the look in his eyes.

"I love you JJ!" She announced making JJ lookup in satisfaction. He was so happy he could have cried if he wanted to. He quickly grabbed her and spun her around with excitement.

"Kiara Carrera is in love with me!" JJ shouted to the whole island not caring if the others could hear. He earned a cute laugh from Kie as she tried to shush him.

"Put me down love bird!" She giggled as he eventually put her back down. The two were finally happy and nothing could change that. "You're going to wake up the whole island dum dum!" She laughed and lightly pushed his shoulder.

"I don't care I want the whole world to know how lucky I am! I have waited too long for this!" He stated pulling her into a tight hug. The two were so caught up in each other they didn't even notice the others were watching from afar.

When the two pulled apart the others began to cheer and scream, being extremely happy for the two.

The rain poured heavier than ever and they didn't care just as long as their love for each other was 'finally' alive!

*Thanks for reading!! Aaah I love this so much!! I wanted to make sure this kiss was perfect because I mean it's THEM!! I hope you guys liked how I wrote this because it took me a while to try and make it special for my favorite ship!! Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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