Chapter 8: Friends...

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Kiara was ready to talk to JJ, almost more than ready. She even prepared herself for what she had wanted to say to him and how she would say it. She was still unsure about her feelings for her best friend, but she still wanted to tell him something was there.

It made her worry that JJ might not forgive her or feel the same way because he seemed very upset about their previous conversation. All she needed to do was hope it was going to be okay.

Of course, if she wanted to talk to JJ she needed to find him first. Which was a lot harder than she thought. She felt like she looked everywhere for him, but I guess she didn't look hard enough since he was on the other side of the island. She found him sitting in a swing he must have made not long ago. He looked sad from her view since he had been swinging back and forth very sadly.

She approached him quietly, but not too quiet to spook him. Her nervousness was showing because of the way she looked down at her hands and fiddled with them. He finally noticed her after hearing leaves crunching as she walked. He looked at her then looked back at the ground. She sensed he wasn't as angry as he was before, but knew he was still a little hurt.

"Hi..." Kie announced to him as he still stared at the ground. I took him a second to respond but he did.

"Hey" JJ responded quietly but loud enough for her to hear. He knew she must have wanted to talk about it earlier. Kie wasn't the only one overthinking their conversation because that's all JJ thought about.

"I'm guessing you probably know why I'm here?" Kie questioned while JJ stared at her and nodded his head slightly. "I'm sorry that I made you feel this way. I never meant for it to end up like this"

"You shouldn't be apologizing for anything because I'm the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have gotten angry at you, there was no reason for that. I was just so angry with myself and I took it out on you" JJ explained to her not breaking eye contact.

"No JJ you shouldn't be sorry because it is all my fault. You were right because I did confuse you and that was very wrong of me"

"Kie, I should be thanking you for what you said, to be honest" JJ admitted confusing Kie.

"Wait what do you mean?"

"I mean that what you said made me realize something. Things shouldn't be moving so fast between us, actually nothing should be moving at all. Kie you're are my best friend and it's all you've ever been. There is no point in pushing something that isn't even there"

"JJ stop please you're not understanding. I've been lying to myself for ages about what I feel for you and I can tell you that I know that there is something there. I just don't know what it is yet" Kie tried to explain.

"That's the thing though Kie what if there's nothing there in the first place"

"You don't know that J"

"Neither do you Kie, it feels like I'm running in circles for no reason. I've been pushing myself to think that I like you and I'm not even sure about what I feel anymore" JJ admitted making Kie start to feel guilty for her speech.

"I can't believe this is happening" Kie told JJ getting annoyed. "I thought if I came over here and told you how I felt towards you. It might change things, but seems like your feelings have changed as well"

JJ felt bad for how he changed things completely, but he knew it would be better for himself. JJ had been so stressed out lately he didn't know if he could juggle a relationship on top of that. "I'm sorry Kie I just think that we're putting too much into this right now. I mean shit Kie your parents were gonna send you to boarding school for just hanging out with us. Imagine how she would feel if you were dating one of us"

"I don't care about what my parents think JJ. I never have and I never will because I only care about what I think and feel. And if they don't support me for what I want then that's on them. And this is what I want more than anything!" Kie explained to him as she stepped closer to him and grabbed his hands.

"Kie, I'm sorry I need my best friend more than I need a relationship right now. You mean so much to me, I can't ever lose you. I need you Kie!" JJ had grabbed her hands, as well as Kie, started to tear up. Kie didn't just feel guilty about him, she felt even more guilty about herself for letting this happen.

"I understand JJ, I just wish it didn't happen like this. God, why am I fricking crying!" Kie exclaimed at herself for being emotional for no reason. JJ didn't respond he just lifted her chin and kissed the top of her head. The two ended it in a tight hug that poured out passion and emotion all at once.

JJ pulled apart and turned to walk the other way. Kie watched him slowly walk into the distance. As she whispered:

"I love you J"

*Thanks for reading!! Oh my gosh, they're pulled apart once again. Don't worry it will get there eventually just have to be patient. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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