Chapter 10: I'm So Scared

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JJ was pushed off immediately not realizing that the person he was kissing was definitely not Kie. But JJ was too dizzy to even notice. "Nighty night darling!" JJ exclaimed to the girl beside him before falling asleep again. Even though JJ had no idea who he had kissed he would soon find out later, regretting it immediately. He knew that if Kie found out he kissed someone else it would kill her. It didn't matter if they were together or not it still mattered to her.

On the other hand, the girl was freaking out because it was so unexpected. Not only was it out of nowhere she didn't know how to react in that sort of situation. She felt so guilty because she knew that something was going on between Kie and him. She was conflicted on whether she should tell her or not.

Since it was late she decided to leave him be and go back to her hammock. For a minute she felt relieved to know he probably wouldn't remember in the morning, but she also felt confused on why the kiss made her feel different. Why she felt a little spark for a split second. It wasn't even real, so it shouldn't matter.

The girl finally stood up from sitting to walk towards the figure approaching her. It was none other than Kie who made her heart sink in seconds. She panicked on the inside knowing something she should have told her the instant she saw her, but she couldn't.

"Hey, thank you for finding him I appreciate it!" Kie told the girl hugging her quickly. She wanted to say you're welcome, but if she did she knew she would ramble and wouldn't stop. So all she could do was nod her head and walk away. It was an awkward moment because Kie had expected her to at least speak to her. Kie could care less about the interaction, all she thought about was JJ.

He seemed to be okay by now, but it still worried her. Kie was relieved he was asleep because all she wanted was to be near him, to feel his touch, anything. "Hey J I know things aren't good between us at the moment and you probably won't remember anything I say by morning, so here I go" Kie sighed ready to pour her heart out.

"I miss you J and I wish things can go back to how they were. I just want my goofy old JJ Maybank back. I'm such an idiot for complicating things when there was no reason to because all this time I've been lying to myself. I've been lying about how I actually feel about you and that I love you so much! I need to tell you that so bad, but I can't. I can't make you feel that pain again I've already hurt you too much. That's why we can't be together because I'm scared" Kie explained stopping trying not to cry.

"I'm so f*cking scared because I have pushed myself away from everybody and used that stupid f*cking rule to do it. You are the only person that makes me feel alive and truly happy. And if I screw that up and lose you I don't know if I could live with myself. You mean everything to me and I wish you knew that. And one day you will because someday I hope to tell you everything. I just need you to know that I love you and I hope you love me back just as much"

With that Kie wipes the tears from her cheeks and leaned over JJ's face to kiss him on the forehead. She wanted to go sleep somewhere more comfy but she didn't trust him being alone all night. So she scooted close to him and quickly fell asleep by his side.


Kie slowly awakened after the sound of waves kidnapped her from her dreams. She was happy to see JJ next to her because she didn't want to be there when he woke up. Just in case she checked his pulse to make sure he was still alive. He even changed positions just to cuddle up to Kie. She slightly smiled at the passed-out JJ and slowly walked back to her hammock to get some more sleep.

A few hours later JJ wakes up to see John B standing over him very disappointed. JJ didn't realize how worried everyone was searching for him all night to find him passed out drunk. "Hope the hangover is a pain in the ass!" he exclaimed to him squatting down to his level.

"You're lucky it is!" The groggy voice replied sounding nothing like he did the day before.

"You're lucky I love you!" John B said as he slapped his face softly a few times. He offered his hand so JJ could sit up quickly. It took JJ a few minutes to process what happened in the past 10 hours. Only remembering his fight with Kie, getting drunk, and kissing Kie. JJ's eyes grew big remembering his drunken kiss with Kiara. The biggest smile grew on his face, but was kinda sad he couldn't remember any of it and that he was half out of his mind when he did.

"What dude? Did you finally recap everything?!" John B asked noticing his change of emotion.

"Yes, I think I did. Quick question, is Kie awake I kinda need to talk to her"

"Um I don't think so she seemed pretty tired from last night" his face dropped immediately. "Also one more thing make sure you thank Cleo! She kinda saved your ass last night" John B stated confusing JJ.

"Wait why?" JJ questioned not realizing what he meant.

"Well, she was the one that found you last night, and she also stayed with you all night to make sure you were okay!" John B explained nonchalantly as JJ realized what he had just done.

"Holy shit!"

*Thanks for reading!! Oof what a chapter sorry about the wait again just pre-warning you it may be longer than usual for chapters to be published. What did you think about the reveal at the end?? Hope you enjoyed!!!💙💙💙

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