Chapter 7: We're Good

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The pogues would've been lying if they said it wasn't awkward because it was. Even though half the group had no idea what happened between the two, they could still sense it. During their meeting, JJ would have a slight attitude with Kie having them end up fighting the whole time. The group was aware there was tension, so they tried their best to just stay out of it.


After their family meeting had officially ended the "happy couple" stormed off their separate ways immediately. JJ had never been so furious at a girl before until now. Kie was hurt that it had even happened in the first place but knew he was being unreasonable. He would never really understand how Kie felt since she had just recently broken someone else's heart. And now that she had did it again without even trying.

JJ knew what he said was not right, but anger still took over the situation completely. He had been so angry that he just needed time to be by himself. While on the other hand, Kie needed someone to talk to and it was Sarah.

Sarah had been utterly confused since she thought that they were in a good place. She was also the one that wanted them to be together.

"Sarah, can we talk please?" Kie asked silently while Sarah nodded. The two went to a more secluded area for privacy. As soon as the two finally sat down Kie felt overcome with emotion. She started to cry quietly, she tried her best to hold it in, but she couldn't. Sarah moved closer to her to comfort her and Kie appreciated it. "I don't know what to do? It's like every time I try to be honest with him I always end up hurting him. And I swear I would never want that. Everything is just moving way too fast and I can't slow it down" Kie explained to her while she rubbed her back.

"Well have you tried telling him that maybe?" Sarah asked out of concern.

"Yes, I have and he just got pissed at me. He is wanting too much too fast. And he asked me if I wanted to be with him and I said 'I don't know' because I really don't know! He pressures me to give him an answer right away and I can't do that. I am unsure about my feelings because of Pope and..." Kie was explaining, but Sarah cut her off.

"Kie don't tell me you're denying your feelings because of Pope?" Sarah questioned her while Kie sat there speechless because she knew the answer. "Kie if I'm being honest I think that you should be talking to Pope about this and not me. I know you don't want to hurt his feelings I know, but you can't feel guilty for that. It's not your fault that you don't have feelings for him. Pope knows that too, so you shouldn't be pressuring yourself so much about it. If you truly want to be with JJ you should talk to Pope"

She had never been more right. Kie didn't want to admit it, but Pope was one of the reasons she hesitated about her feelings. Sarah looked at her in reassurance as Kie stood up and walked in the direction of Pope.

She saw that Pope had been laughing with Cleo. It made her happy to see him happy. She had predicted that they were attracted to each other. She slightly smiled when he looked her way, he took that as a sign. He excused himself from Cleo to walk over to Kiara who was near their hammocks. Cleo went back to fiddling with her knife. Man did she love that thing.

Pope seemed concerned since usually the two never talked alone a lot. "Hey, you good?" He questioned calmly.

"I'm not sure?" Kie announced. "I kinda needed to get something off my chest since I've felt so guilty about it lately"

"If it's about 'us' Kiara you shouldn't feel guilty at all we're good" Pope added, but it was exactly what she was worried about.

"Pope I can't just act like everything between us is okay because it's not. I hurt you and it shouldn't be forgiven because it was wrong. I never wanted to hurt I swear because I love you Pope. You're my best friend and you deserve everything in the world"

"I love you too Kiara, and I care about you as well which means you need to stop worrying about it so much. I said I was okay, it's over I just want my best friend back more than anything. We're good I promise" Pope explained to her taking weight off her shoulders. Kie looked at him in relief, she leaned in and hugged him tightly.

"I don't deserve you!" Kie told him as he grinned.

"While I have you I need to talk to you about something?"

"Hit me?" Kie replied quickly.

"When are you and JJ finally gonna get it together and admit your feelings!" Pope exclaimed to her making Kie feel a little down.

"Probably never, the way it's going is making it seem that way. I just don't know how to tell him exactly especially after what happened between us"

"Well you know JJ, he can't be mad for too long you just have to talk to him" Pope stated to her as Kie looked around for him. "Kiara, if anyone deserves you it's him"

"Thank you, Pope, for everything it's nice to have someone to talk about this" Kie announced squeezing his hand for comfort.

Kie knew she had to talk to one last person, JJ.

*Thank you for reading!! For a minute I was thinking of making Kie kiss Pope, but thank God I didn't. Sorry for the wait next chapter should be out sometime next weekend. Thanks for reading!!💙💙💙

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