Chapter 5: Stay

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Of course Kiara had alot on her mind. She had almost kissed JJ Maybank, her best friend. And that she had almost touched death itself from surfing. Even though she almost died all she could think about was JJ. She had realized how much closer the two had become. How her view of him had changed completely. She didn't look at him the same way she used to back in the Outer Banks. She believed he had felt this way as well. I mean the way he reacted to her almost dying wasn't just in a friendly way. He had really cared about her more than he ever did. Anybody could see that from a mile away.

As Kie sat by herself in her hammock, JJ wasn't too far from her. He had been chatting with John B, while Pope went to cool down Cleo. JJ kept asking himself if this was a dream because he couldn't believe what had almost happened. His attraction grew so much for her. The fact he had been so close to her and that she wanted to kiss him too. It drove him crazy that he didn't take the chance when he should've. Maybe because it felt like it was his only chance.

"So I guess Pope has moved on from Kie?" JJ confessed to John B. He looked at him in confusion not knowing what he meant.

"What do you mean?" John B questioned.

"Well can't you tell it seems like he has a thing for Cleo. He has been flirting with her nonstop and seems pretty happy" John B grinned at JJ in agreement.

"I guess your right, he does seem to be really buddy buddy with her. I really thought him and Kie were pretty good together. At least that's how I see it" John B explained while JJ looked pretty upset from his opinion. "But I mean maybe he wasn't the one maybe there's someone else she likes" John B said which got JJ's attention immediately. John B was trying his best to point out that Kie had liked JJ.

JJ chuckled because he didn't understand where he was getting. "And who would that be?" JJ asked sarcastically. JJ waited for John B's response, but he never said anything. He just looked at JJ in disbelief because he wasn't getting it at all.

"JJ lord forbid are you really this airheaded!" John B announced to him making JJ feel offended at first. "Its so obvious man, I saw the way she looked at you on the boat. I really think she's into you"

"You're crazy, how could she ever like me of all people!" JJ lied to himself since he knew he liked Kie, but he knew he could never be enough for her.

John B had moved to sit next to JJ since he knew he needed to talk to him. "JJ don't say that because it's not true. You're my best friend JJ and I have known you my whole life. You are enough because you are not your father. I know that for a fact" John B explained to him while JJ felt a sting in his chest at the mention of his father. JJ believed his whole life he was worthless because that was what his father always told him.

So when he realized that he had feelings for Kiara he hid them immediately. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with Kie because if he did he would lose the one thing he truly cared about. Kie wasn't like the other girls of course because it's Kie for crying out loud. She was perfect at least that's what JJ believed. She was a ray of sunshine that made his dark days brighter. She had also been there for him every time. She knew about his father, but she didn't care. She wanted to be there for him as much as she could because she really cared about him.

"You are my best friend JJ and you deserve anything in the world. Even if that means Kiara. I think its worth a shot J, I'm pretty sure she's into you bro" John B explained to him and JJ was happy to hear what he had to say. He knew he was right so he was going to try. After John B's best friend speech JJ wanted to cry, but didn't cause he was too manly for crying.

"Dang bro I think I wanna cry now!" JJ stated sarcastically making John B chuckle. John B pulled him in for hug as JJ hugged back immediately. "I love you man!" JJ told him while he said it back. Now John B was on the verge of crying.


It was late so everyone was getting pretty tired especially Kiara. She was wore out from her terrible day. But Kiara didn't think it was so terrible because she had almost kissed JJ. Actually she couldn't go to sleep because of him. It was all she thought about. She kept thinking why she hadn't kissed him when she had the chance. Or why he wanted to kiss her as well. Maybe she was finally starting to realize her feeling for him or his feeling for her. But you know she couldn't do that because it was JJ. Her best friend since the 5th grade. But if he was her bestfriend then why was she thinking about kissing him so much. She had started to feel tired so she finally fell asleep.

After a few minutes the rest of the group had fallen asleep, but JJ was still wide awake. He had been thinking about what John B had told him. He couldn't help but think if he was right or not. He was feeling sleepy so he decided he should probably go to sleep. As he was walking to his hammock he heard crying and heavy breathing which concerned him. He walked towards the noise to see it was Kiara. She had been crying from a bad nightmare. He ran over to her to comfort her. She jumped a little not expecting to see JJ.

"Hey Kie you good?" JJ asked her as he wiped the tears from her face. Her breathing was out of control and tears were streaming out of her eyes. He had pulled her close to calm her down. He was rubbing her back gently as she cried into his shirt. The feeling of comfort took over Kiara which calmed her making her breathing slow down. She pulled from his chest to look at him with tears still on her cheeks. JJ looked into her eyes once again to see how upset she looked. All he wanted to do was make her feel better because he hated seeing her like this.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to see me like this I-..." Kie was trying to explain, but shushed her. He careesed her cheeks calming her quickly.

"Hey its okay just breathe okay, no need to apologize I'm here okay, I always will be" JJ assured her.

"It was just a bad dream, no big deal. Sorry I worried you" she apologized.

"Its okay seriously Kie, don't worry about it. You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want me to"

"I guess it just hit me that I almost died today. And if you weren't there I would've been dead because of surfing" Kiara explained in disbelief.

"Well your okay now, because you know no one can kill a pogue!" JJ stated to her making her laugh. "I guess I better go to bed now. If you need anything just let me know okay" JJ told her as he squeezed her hand. Kie nodded her head as he was getting up.

Kie grabbed JJ's hand before he could leave. Surprising him at first, but making him blush. "Stay please?"

"Of course"

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