Chapter 2: Butterflies?

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That night Kiara wasn't the only one who needed someone to talk to. JJ had started to feel confused on what this might mean. So he knew it was best to ask advice from his friends.


When the boys finally gathered everything for the fire that night. JJ didn't know what to say to them since each one of them sorta had a thing for her. Pope really liked her for a long time and then he got friendzoned and John B also got rejected. There seems to be a recurring theme here. But what if she did it all for a reason. What if all along it was JJ she liked instead.

JJ had never been in a real relationship since he never believed in that kinda thing. But he had always had a thing for Kie since the first time they met. But he had always told himself he was never worth it or that nobody could ever love someone like him. He had been told that his entire life by his horrible father. That's why he knew getting with Kie would ruin everything he ever had. No matter how much he wanted it could never happen.

"Hey guys... I need your help?" JJ asked scratching the back of his head. Since JJ had always been the one to never ask for help, so John B and Pope had been utterly confused.

"What's up bud?!" John B said breaking the silence. JJ moved to the log by the half-ass built fire.

"I just feel like I'm losing my mind right now! I don't understand why I'm feeling like this!" he announced while the boys felt very concerned for him.

"Feeling like what?" Pope asked as he started the fire.

"That's the thing I don't understand what I'm feeling it's like there is a huge knot in my stomach!" JJ explained while John B knew exactly what was going on.

"I think I know what you have? Sounds like you got a case of the butterflies!" John B stated smiling wildly.

"What the hell is that?" JJ questioned.

"C'mon dude you don't know what that is?" He questioned, but JJ just shook his head. "It usually means you're in love or you like someone! I get them all the time around Sarah!"

"But I'm not in love with someone?" JJ questioned himself, but he knew he was lying to them and himself.

"Are you sure about that J? Don't lie, I know you got something for Kie you can admit it"

"Kie really? C'mon it could never happen..." JJ explained trying to assure himself it wasn't possible.

"It would definitely happen J you just don't believe it can"

"He's right JJ I mean we've all tried, but she has never looked at us the way she did to you" Pope finally spoke up realizing he wasn't going to be the one. Pope had also started to have new feelings for someone else.

"I just don't wanna push anything you know it's Kie. I just need to know if this is really meant to happen?" JJ asked himself as he looked over to see Kie. She had been giggling over something Cleo had said. He loved to see her laugh because it always made him happier.


Pope finally finished the fire for that night and had called everyone over to begin. That morning JJ had caught some nice looking salmon for Lunch and Dinner. Everyone gathered around the fire each sitting on a log. Sarah sat by John B, Cleo sat by Pope, and Kiara had no other choice and sat by JJ. Of course things were awkward so they tried their best not look at each other.

The whole night everyone was having a good time telling stories and making jokes. Every now and then JJ would glance at Kie when she wasn't looking, and Kie would glance at JJ when he wasn't looking. Everyone could feel the tension between the two, but decided to ignore it. One time JJ had accidentally put his hand on top of Kiara's, Kie flinched slightly, but was blushing like crazy. Kie didn't know it, but JJ did it on purpose.

As it got darker everyone started to get tired. When it was time for bed JJ would be the one to clean up the area. But this time he would have a little help. Kie had started to think and knew it was best to talk to him now while everyone was gone. She wasn't going to tell him she felt something for him at least not yet. She hadn't talked to him personally since the drowning incident. He practically saved her life if it wasn't him it was going to be her.

JJ had been too into what he was doing to notice Kie had stayed behind. It stayed like that for a good minute until JJ turned to see Kiara nervously standing there. He jumped a little and she didn't notice which he was thankful for. They both didn't say anything for awhile. It had been so quiet that the waves had become louder as they crashed on the shore.

Kiara knew it would get awkward soon so she spoke up since she wasn't a pussy. "Hey can we talk?" Kiara asked nervously as JJ looked up from the ground to see her face to face. But she was doing everything she could not to look at him. Her nervousness was showing and it stood out to him.

JJ finally stood up to step a little closer to Kie. "Yeah just gimme one second" JJ replied as he walked towards the shore to wash his muddy clothes off. He did this every night, but did it now so he could see if Kie was looking.

Kie moved to the log as she waited for him to finish. She started to look up at the starry sky and her surroundings. But lost focus when she saw JJ in the corner of her eye. She immediately moved her postion to look at him directly. She didn't care at that point if she got caught staring. Her eyes were stuck on him and she couldn't take them off. JJ had noticed Kie staring his way which made him snicker. His little plan worked. He put his shirt on the clothing line which left him shirtless.

He finally finished and started to walk back to the fire circle. He looked to the ground for a second and looked back to see Kie facing a different way.

When he reached the log she was sitting on he plopped down beside her. "What did you wanna talk about?" JJ asked making Kie face him. She started to feel more comfortable because she didn't want him to know he could phase her. Even though it was very hard since he was shirtless.

"I never had the chance to thank you back on the boat. You saved my life so thank you!" She stated with a pleasant smile. JJ had been confused because she had been the one who saved him.

"What do you mean you're the one that saved me. I should be thanking you"

"No JJ! Just take the fricking apology. I really appreciated what you did okay. If it wasn't you it would've been me so thanks!" Kiara explained to him as he slightly smiled at her appreciation.

"You're welcome, but also thank you for not letting me... drown" JJ said as Kiara laughed at his foolish explanation.

"No problem, I mean I don't know what I'd do without you J" Kiara stated, but all JJ heard was she needed him. He pulled her into a gentle hug because he didn't know what else to do. She hugged back immediately and both smiled warmly at each others presence. They had a tough week and this hug might have partially helped that. JJ's butterflies were back and so were Kie's. John B was right he did like her alot at least in that moment.

As the two finally pulled apart Kiara gave JJ's shoulder a squeeze before she got up to head to bed. Before she could leave JJ stopped her. "Hey Kie wait can I ask you something?" He abruptly blurted out as he ran to her. This was it Kiara thought he was gonna say it. If he did she would say what she felt that she wanted him too.

"Do you think I'm hot?" JJ asked severely confusing Kie. She rolled her eyes at him and laughed sarcastically.

"Goodnight JJ!" she replied annoyed by his response as she pushed his shoulder finally walking away.

"Night!" JJ said as he enjoyingly watched her walk away.

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