Chapter 12: Forget What I Said

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"We.... kissed" Cleo admitted as Kie's face fell immediately. Kie was in complete utter shock she didn't believe her at first until she saw the guilty look on JJ's face.

"You... kissed... JJ?" Kie asked with no emotion. As the others stood behind her and watched in shock. Cleo had waited for JJ to speak up and share the blame like a man but he looked too scared to even speak. Cleo couldn't believe JJ had wussed out when he should take the blame more than her.

"It wasn't her fault Kie it was all me. I was too drunk to even know. I'm sorry" JJ had eventually spoken up since he noticed Cleo's hothead.

Kie was taken back by their words. She wanted to cry but she couldn't, at least not in front of them. She felt betrayed, but I mean it's not like she can be angry about it either. She didn't own JJ, she wasn't even with him. She may have been in love with him, but she knew it would never happen even if she really wanted it. So she decided to handle this the mature way. "Thanks for telling me. But it's none of my business"

Cleo was shocked at her reply, thinking she would be filled with anger. She didn't expect her to only say just that so she clenched her face quickly expecting her to punch her clean in the face.

"Cleo I'm not going to punch you in the face I promise!" Kie had reassured her making her face fall.

"So you're not mad. Like at all" Cleo questioned as JJ stepped closer to the pair feeling more comfortable.

"It might have stung just a little, but I really don't mind. I mean it's none of my business. So if you want to be with him, it's no big deal really" Kie explained still emotionless. Of course, she cared and she did mind, but she pushed those thoughts aside.

"Ew, gross!" Cleo quickly stated as JJ looked offended by her comment.

"Ouch!" JJ exclaimed.

"Sorry, no offense!"

"Thanks for the heads up though that was very... thoughtful," Kie said as she walked away awkwardly from the group.

Cleo had looked over slowly at John B and Sarah to see what they had thought about their interaction. "What... the hell just happened!" Sarah had exclaimed.

Before Kie could slip away JJ dashed to her and caught her attention. "Kie are seriously just going to walk away from that!"

"Yes, JJ that is exactly what I'm doing!" Kie replied as she tried to avoid any eye contact. She knew what he was trying to do and she couldn't go through that again. She tried her best to walk away but he kept stopping her.

"Kie would just look at me!" JJ begged of her. She couldn't, it would break her just to look him in the eyes once again.

"I can't JJ, don't you understand! Do you really just think everything will be okay after, no nothing is okay. We can't just go back to us just being friends, not after that. After everything, you said to me-" Kie explained as tears formed in her eyes but JJ quickly interrupted.

"Forget what I said!" JJ cut her off and placed his hands on her face. She had no choice but to look into his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. She wanted him so badly, she was so tempted to give in. His eyes had glanced at her lips and she knew he was going to kiss her.

"No, JJ I can't go through this again!" Kie exclaimed earning a huff from JJ. "We just keep going through the same thing over and over again. And I can't handle it anymore. We are so complicated-"

"When has there ever been a 'We' Kie you think I'm complicated you are the one who pushed me away in the first place! How do you think I feel Kie, huh? I'm so tired of playing this game with you, it's wearing me out!" JJ interrupted her once again not caring if she was mad or not.

"Then maybe that's why we should just stay friends as you said before!" Kie said calming her voice as JJ looked over at the broken girl. He never wanted to be just friends after everything they have gone through.

"Kie we can never be just friends we both know that..." JJ said as he sat down beside her and intertwined their hands. She looked up at him and gave him a slight smile.

"And we can't be together either J," Kie said looking back at the ground hating she knew it was true.

"I know," JJ said releasing the grip from her hand. Tears were filled in both of their eyes hating it had to come to this.

"What do we do now?" Kie questioned wiping the tears from her cheek.

"I don't know" JJ replied as the two stood up to face each other still looking at the ground. JJ took no more time and pulled Kie in for a comforting hug. They didn't need to speak anymore all they needed was to hold each other.

The hug had lasted long enough for them to release. The two looked into each other's eyes one last time before Kie walked away.

"No!" JJ shouted towards her making Kie turn around confused.

"What do you mean no, JJ"

"Kie when are you finally going to realize?!" JJ sighed making eye contact with Kie.

"Realize what?" Kie replied

"That I'm in love with you"

*Thanks for reading!! Finally, he confessed his feelings! I was debating on whether I should put it in now or later. I realized it needed to happen since it's been dragging on so long! The kiss will be coming soon... stay tuned!! Also I had a better gif but it wouldn't load. Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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