Chapter 11: No More Lies

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"What have I done?" Cleo had asked herself the moment she knew she screwed up. She couldn't believe how much she messed up. But it wasn't that bad, was it. Of course it was Cleo had lied to Kie and kissed her crush. She knew something had been going on between the two and she tried to stay out of it, but guess what she was right in the very middle.

Cleo wasn't one to lie to her loved ones or her friends. That's why she knew that keeping this a secret would be difficult. Especially since they were stuck on an island together.

She didn't know the time, but it was obvious it was daybreak. After she went back to her hammock she slept beautifully, weird. She woke up with a huge knot in her stomach. It almost made her want to vomit. Ever since she was little she always hated the idea of lying. So every time she lied or was dishonest she would wind up puking. But thank the Lord no one knew that.

The rest of the island seemed to be at rest except for Cleo who had been puking her guts ups behind a pretty palm tree. Once she finished she heard footsteps and a voice drawing near to her. She hoped it wasn't JJ or Kiara because well you know. As the person got closer she recognized the voice belonging to Pope. She secretly wished it was Sarah, but she was happy either way.

"Cleo are you okay? It sounded like you were dying, I think the whole island heard you, no offense" Pope confessed.

"None taken, sorry it's just a thing I have"

"Oh my God Cleo are you anorexic?!" Pope asked worriedly hoping she wasn't.

"What the hell, no of course not I just throw up if I lie. I've had it since I was little it's very weird I know" Cleo explained reassuring Pope earning a sigh of relief.

"Ok good! Wait why are you throwing up did you lie or are you keeping something from us?!"

"Pope can you keep a secret, please I need to tell someone before I explode, literally!" Cleo revealed making Pope more concerned. "Well, you know how I found JJ last night. When I found him I stayed with him just until Kiara came back. Well, um... something happened and it was a total accident!" Cleo explained making Pope more and more worried.

"Cleo what did you do?" Pope demanded.

"JJ kissed me okay!" Cleo admitted quickly. Pope looked disappointed and shocked altogether. Cleo grew worried that he would snitch or be angry at her. She looked over to see him mouth, "What the hell!" He didn't know what to say he was speechless.

"Please say something?!" Cleo begged him as he stayed in the same position.

"You kissed JJ? And you didn't mean to?" Pope questioned with the same expression and emotion.

"No I didn't kiss JJ he kissed me because he was drunk. It was a total accident I promise it didn't mean anything!" She explained hoping he understood.

"Well, I'm not the one you should be explaining it to. If you know what I mean"

"Yeah, I know I know! I feel horrible about it. What if I tell her and she never forgives. I didn't know if I can lose a friend I mean we just started to become friends, she'll hate me!" Pope felt bad for her because he knew she didn't mean to cause all of this. "I just wish it wouldn't have happened in the first place!"

"It'll be okay Cleo, I promise. You just need breath okay. I don't want you puking again!" Pope confessed making Cleo giggle.

"What do you think I should do, personally?" Cleo asked.

"Personally, if I was you I would be the Cleo I know and tell the truth because I know you would always do the right thing!" Pope told her making her smile and she was also blushing since she felt the warmth of his hand on top of hers.

"Thank you Pope I think I'm going to take your advice!" She said in appreciation giving Pope a quick kiss on his cheek. She had no idea she would do that since it was kinda random, but it made him happy she did it. She felt better because she finally realized that she may have feelings for Pope and he may feel the same.

As she walked away from Pope to find Kiara she started to feel more confident and not feel like she was going to vomit. She could hear multiple voices which sounded like a mix of Sarah and John B. It turned out to be both of them including Kiara. Great, let's just hope she doesn't get angry at her in front of everyone because that would be embarrassing. Only a few steps away and it would all be over.

Before she could reach the group she was pulled away by none other than JJ which scared the shit out of her.

"What the hell JJ you scared the living shit out of me! Cheese on bread!" Cleo exclaimed but not too loud where it drew attention.

"Don't cheese on bread me! You have some explaining to do missy! We're you just never going tell me" JJ demanded making Cleo have a hard time processing what he means. Cleo pulled him away from the view of the others to talk to him privately.

"First and for most don't call me 'Missy' and second of all this was all your fault, you kissed me dumbass!" Cleo explained putting him in his place.

"How was I supposed to know I was drunk!" JJ yelled back at her.

"Then that's your damn fault man! I have to tell her man or she'll never forgive me. I'm sorry..." Cleo explained but before she could leave she was snatched again.

"Wait, just wait, please. Let me go with you, it'd be better if she heard it from both of us, shit!" JJ asked her calmly while Cleo nodded her head in agreement.

The two walked together to confront Kiara before things would get out of hand. JJ walked slower scared he was going to hurt Kie and he never wanted that.

"Kie we have to tell you something?" Cleo asked as the three of them turned their attention to see what was the matter.

"Okay, what's up?" Kie asked nervously because the two seemed filled with fear.

"We.... kissed..."

*Thanks for reading!! For a minute I thought we were having a Cleo and JJ fanfic, but I wouldn't do that to yall! Hope everyone had a good Christmas, I can't wait for 2022 to be here I'm so over 2021! Hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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