The End...☹︎

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Hey guys I've decided that I'm going to end it there. I feel bad for ending it so quickly,  but I feel like this is a really good stopping point. I thought long and hard about this and I figured this was the best decision.

I had some other plans for the next few chapters, but I hate dragging it on for so long. The kiss was probably one of the best endings because if I continued their relationship on in other chapters it would probably be weird and I would have to write smut which I'm not very comfortable with yet.

I've also been dreading writing these chapters which I really hate to say. This book was very fun to write at first, but since I have been so busy with school I've been having a hard time trying to keep up. I really love to write but when I'm forced to write or am rushed it's not so fun. Not saying people have forced me I just feel like I need to write a chapter very quickly to please the readers. And I do not do well under pressure.

Other than that I have really enjoyed writing this book. The most exciting part is the support from you guys!! I always love to see people's comments and people's votes it really inspires me. So I really appreciate all the support you guys have had for this book and for me.❤❤


One more thing I promise, other than "You Should've Known" I also have some other books that are in my drafts that I really want to start. I have ones about Cobra Kai, Stranger Things, Spiderman, and more OBX of course. My next possible one would be the Stranger Things one which is about Steve Harrington. I think my story for him would have a lot of potential because it's a enemy to lovers which is my all time favorite trope. I have started the cast part so I'm working on the introduction and the first chapter. Also I have another JJ Maybank fic in the works as well. This is not final, but it is an idea.

Anyways that's all so thanks again hope you enjoyed!!💙💙💙

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