Chapter 64

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Harry complained the whole time shopping. 'Can we go yet?' Or 'How much longer babe?' Lol. We went home and dropped everything off then headed to the beach to play some volley ball. Out of the three volleyball nets all were taken, go figure. "Hey! Can we join?" Harry asked. "Sure. You guys can be on their team." The guy said. "Thanks man!" Harry said. Our team had two girls ( including me) and two guys ( including Harry) and the other team had the same. We huddled up and talked out a game plan then started playing. We ended up beating their asses. Everyone wanted to play another game, but loser had to run in the ocean and get soaking wet. Easy, we will win again. "Get ready to get soaking wet!!!" I yelled at Zachary, Johnny, Sara, and Jessica. (The other team). "Oh it's on!!" Sara yelled laughing. Our team won...again. We told them thank you for letting us play with them and then Zach told us to come back and play again later. We told him we would come back and play another game, and headed to the car. It was almost 5 pm by the time we got home so I went in and made Harry and I dinner so we could be back at the beach by 8. I put some pizza rolls in the oven and went and sat on the couch with Harry. When they were done I brought them in the living room and we ate them. After I was done I went upstairs and put some spandex and a loose t-shirt on with my brown birkenstocks and then went back downstairs. It was five mins til 8 so we headed back to the beach. Zach and the others werent there yet so Harry and I just hit the volleyball back and forth to eachother until they showed up. 

Zach and the crew showed up and we split into two teams and began the game. I was on a team wiht Sara, Jessica and another girl they brought. Then Zach, Harry, Johnny, and this other dude were on the other team. We totatlly beat the crap out of the guys in the first game, we had to play another game because the guys cant handle being beaten by girls. They only won by at least two points in the last game.(We let them win so we didnt have to play another game!)

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