Chapter 10

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When Niall and Amy reached us we all started walking towards the beach. "Hey guys. We should go up to the boardwalk there's like no one there!?" Harry suggested. "Are you gonna be ok to go on rides?" Niall asked concerned. "I'll be fine Nialler!Lets go!!" he yelled pulling me up the stairs. We got in line, there was like three people in front of us. It was really weird not seeing this place packed. But now we get more access to the better rides that usually have the longest lines. I love going at night, it's more fun to see the lights and sometimes they do fireworks. We wanted to go on the new ride that was packed last time we were here. We were the only ones on the ride, it was nice. I held onto Harry as we were getting ready to go, he wrapped his arm around me and held me until the ride went. After it took off it was all laughter and screams. I'm surprised the boys can still hear after all our screaming!!! Next we went on the ride where you lay down and fly. That used to be my favorite ride when I was younger. Luckily it was Friday night so I didn't have to be home at a certain time. When we got on the ride, I took a picture of Harry and I then I til Amy and Niall to try and fit in since they were behind us. When it started Harry and held my hand the whole ride. After we rode a few more rides and were getting really hungry. "Do you guys want to go get something to eat?" Niall asked. "Yes!" we all replied. We went to some restaurant down the street. We all ordered and talked about random stuff until we got our food. After we all got done eating, Harry and I went home and I'm not sure what Niall and Amy went to do. It was 10:30 by the time we got home, "I'm so tired." Harry said pulling me into a hug before we went inside. "Let's just go to bed!" I replied both of us wrapping our arms around each others waists.

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