Chapter 35

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Harry drove us home and Niall and Ames just stayed the night. They went up in the guest bedroom and Harry and I went in my room and went to bed. It was 2 am, I was tired. We woke up around 1:30 pm. We got up and went and woke Niall and Amy up then everyone got ready and we went to subway for lunch. After that we went back to my house and Amy and Niall went home and Harry and I took Hazel for a walk. When we got back there was a black jeep like mine in front of my house. I looked at Harry and he had a grin on his face. "Um who's here?" I asked. "Go inside and you'll find out. I walked up to the door and opened it and went in. "Mo!" Maddy yelled. "Maddy!" I yelled back and we ran to each other. "This is Cameron, my boyfriend." Maddy said introducing us. "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you." He said shaking my hand. "Same about you! This is Harry." I said introducing them. "Hey." They both said to each other. "So what do you guys want to do?" "Hmmmmmm...we could take a trip to the outlet mall." I suggested. The boys both rolled their eyes and finally gave in. We drove an hour and a half to the outlet mall. We shopped until we were all shopped out. When we were done we put all the bags in the trunk and went to dinner. After dinner we went home. Maddy and Cam got set up in the guest bedroom and then we all watched movies downstairs for a while. After watching at least three movies we all went to bed. Harry carried me up to my room and threw me on the bed then jumped on too of me. "Ow babe." I yelled. "Haha sorry." He said grabbing me and hugging me. "I guess I can forgive you." I said turning the other way laughing. He pulled me back to him and kissed me. "Butt head." I said running my hand through his hair. I love playing with his hair.

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