Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

*Still Camerons POV*

"Okay, well since you're pregnant you need to be extra careful in what you are doing so you don't lose her. Okay?" the nurse said. "Okay so can Maddy come home tonight or what?" I asked. "Shes good to go home tonight but if anything funky starts happening you need to come back immediately. ""Okay thank you so much." I said letting or a sigh of relief. "Ready to go home babe?" "yes I'm so tired and freaked out I just wanna go snuggle bunny with you and relax. Is mo and Harry here?" Maddy asked. "yes they came the second I called them crying and they haven't left. She's worried, last she heard you might not make it. You really are one lucky girl, you had me absolutely terrified, but I knew you would fight to stay. I love you so much Maddy." I said hugging her then kissed her cheek. I helped get her back into her clothes then wheeled her out. Morgan saw us come through the door and get face lit up. "MADDY! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I THOUGHT I LOST YOU. Cam and I knew you would make it your a tough girl you can do anything. I just got worried cuz when Cam went back I didn't know what was going on and our freaked me out. I'm glad you're okay! I don't know what I would do without you." MO said. "I love you to. I'm not going anywhere. Sucks my arm and leg is broke but you guys are right here for me and I know I'm in good hands so everything will be okay." Maddy said. Then we went out into the parking lot and went back to Morgans house.

*Back to Morgans POV*

We got home and helped Maddy inside and made our way upstairs. I felt so bad, we were all so tired and just wanted to go to bed. Once we got Maddy in their bedroom Harry and I went to bed. "night babe. I love toy to the moon and back." he said "I love you much farther than that." I said kissing him and snuggling up to him. What a stress full day. Almost losing my best friend, I honestly don't know what I would do without her in my life, she means so much to me. She's practically my sister, she's family I would be so lost without her.

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