Chapter 55

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I woke up in the morning with an awful headache, I got up went pee then went downstairs and took advil and went back to sleep for a while. I heard Harry get up and take a shower so i started waking up, my head still hurt a little but it was better than earlier. I got up put some leggings and a tank top on and went downstairs sat on the couch and turned the tv on."Morning." Harry said sitting next to me. " Morning." I said laying my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" "Yeah just still in shock from yesterday. My head is pounding and I just don't feel that good." I said. "I'm sorry babe, what can I do to help?" "Just snuggle me. That's all I need." I said smiling. "Okay I'll do my best." he said kissing my forehead and wrapping his arms around me. I started feeling better throughout the day. We went grocery shopping then came back unloaded everything then watched the rest of Big Brother that we missed. I got a message from Amy:

Amy-Hey, I miss you! We need to Hang out.

Me-Well then come over! We are just laying on the couch watching Big Brother.

Amy-Okay Niall is in the shower so we will head over after he's done.


"Amy and Niall are coming over in a while." "Okay sounds good. Wanna go try that Dutch Brothers place and come back?" "Sure." I said getting up then helping Harry up. I yelled up the stairs to see if Cam or Maddy wanted anything. They did, Then we left. We got in the car and my favorite song was on so I blasted it. We got Dutch then went back home. As we pulled in Amy and Niall parked in front of the house.

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