Chapter 24

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Since I had ceramics third he let us out a little early so I waited by Harrys class until he got out. "Hey babe." Kellen said walking up to me. "Go away." I said rolling my eyes and I walked further away from him. He walked to me and said, "we need to hang out babe, I miss you." He tried grabbing my waist but I moved away so he couldn't. " Kellen, 1 I have a boyfriend that I love, and 2 you need to get a life and stop bothering me or Harry will kick your ass." I smirked and walked to the other side of the hall by Harrys classroom door. Kellen walked over to me and pulled me by the waist to him. "I think it's funny how you think your new boy toy can kick my ass, but he can't so nice try." He said. "Let go of my girl now." I heard Harry say behind us. "Why, what are you gonna do about it 'pretty boy'?" Kellen said pushing me towards the wall making me smash into it and turned around towards Harry. "Just leave Morgan alone, she's not yours anymore she's mine and only mine. So back off and leave her the fuck alone." Harry said pissed. All if a sudden Kellen swung at Harry but missed. Harry swung back and punched him in the face. Ha sucks for him. Then they just started wrestling in the hall. I should probably try and brake it up before they get suspended or something.... "Guys knock it off before you get in trouble!" I said hoping they would stop. Nope. Amy walked up to me freaking out. "What the hell!? What happened!?" "Just get them off each other! You get Kellen I got Harry!" We got behind them and pulled them away from each other. When we got them fully away from each other, Kellen ran off like a little pussy. I took Harry to the bathroom and cleaned his face up. "Your face looks so bad babe! What the hell, ugh I hate him." I said as a year fell down my face. Harrys face was all bruised and cut. Amy came in with our bags, and helped clean Harrys face up. When we got him pretty cleaned up and then Amy went to her last class and Harry and I went home. When we were walking out we passed Kellen and his group of douche pants and his face was ten times worse than Harrys. I couldn't help but laugh. When we were heading home Harry said, "I'm sorry for what happened, he just pissed me off then started swinging at me so I wanted to just pound him. He thinks he can just run around and keep trying to touch you and I know he's just doing it cuz he's jealous that your mine, I'm very sorry that you had to be a part of it and see me like that." Harry said ashamed looking out his window. I pulled his face Gently towards me and kissed him, he kissed back and pulled away. We went home, went inside, "Sit on the couch and I'll get you ice packs." I said heading to the kitchen. I got him ice packs and gave them to me. "Will you take a nap with me?" Harry said giving my puppy eyes. "Of course!" I said laying down with him.

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