Chapter 27

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When we reached them I gave Harry a hug and kiss. Then we all just sat, ate, and watched the sunset. It was gorgeous. "Maddy how long are you staying for?" Amy asked. "Well I am heading out tomorrow night so I can go see my boyfriend Cameron... I just wanted to make a trip to see Mo cuz I missed her." Maddy said and smiled at me. "We will all have to come up and see you as soon as school ends!" I said. "Sounds like a plan!" Maddy replied. After a while of talking we all went home. Maddy, Harry and I went home and went to bed. Maddy stayed in our guest room.


I woke up to the smell of bacon and other yummy foods being cooked. I sat up and Harry was still passed out. Maddy must have been cooking. I kissed Harrys forehead and went downstairs. "Maddy it smells so good it woke me up!" I said making us both laugh. "I'm surprised it hasn't woken Harry up yet!" I said laughing again. "Well thank you, I hope it tastes as good as it smells!" She said smiling. "Besides Harry, your the best cook I know!" I said smiling back and sitting in the dining room. "Your mom works a lot she always used to make us breakfast and dinner and play games with us! I wonder why she works so much!?" Maddy said. "I miss it so much. I hate not having her home anymore. It makes me feel like I don't have a mom anymore. I want to know why she works so much but whenever I bring up the word 'work' she always changed the subject..." I replied with tears brining me eyes. Maddy came over and gave me a hug. As we pulled away from our hug, Harry came downstairs with just sweatpants on and his curly hair all messy. Why is he sooooo hot!?

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