Chapter 23

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We walked for about an hour and then it started to rain so we headed home. When we got home my mom was actually home. Shocker. We went inside and it smelled really good. Mom made French toast, eggs, and bacon. Mmmmmmm. Harry and I were in heaven. "Smells good mom!" I said sitting at the table with Hazel. "thanks honey. I figured I'd come home early and make you guys a yummy dinner. Mom. Got out plates ready and have them to us. After we ate we all went to bed. I was so tired.


We woke up and got ready for school. I took a shower,got dressed, then went downstairs to get Harry and I something to eat. When Harry was ready we left. We were ten minutes late because there was a car accident on the way. We got into class and tried to pay attention and not fall asleep. Class has been going by so fast lately. I think it's because it's almost summer and everyone's ready to be done. It was already third period which for me is ceramics and harry has math. We had to stop working with clay since we had only less than 2 weeks left. I'm glad Kellen skipped cuz I can't deal with him anymore. I had to pee so I went to the bathroom.

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