Chapter 22

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"Hey Haz, what are we going to name her?" "You choose a name for her." "How about Hazel?" I said. "I like that name a lot." When we got home we took Hazel inside and put her water and good bowl by the back door. After that we sat in the living room and snuggled with the puppy. Too bad tomorrow is Monday. All I want to do is snuggle with my babies. Luckily we only have 2 weeks left until summer starts! "Well as much as I enjoy this snuggle sesh, I'm gonna go take a shower." Harry said and went upstairs. Me and Hazel fell asleep on the couch. I heard the shower shut off and a little while later he came down stairs with only sweatpants on. The rest of the night we just cuddled and watched Netflix. "Want to go yup to bed?" I asked and Harry shook his head. He picked Hazel up and we went upstairs.

In the morning I woke up to Hazel barking, I got up and went downstairs to let her go potty. I put her outback and went back upstairs. I woke Harry up and told him to get ready. I put shorts and my tfios shirt on and I went to my shoes..."HARRY! THE DOG PEED ON MY FAVORITE SHOES!!!!" I yelled since he was in the bathroom. My favorite white converse that I wore pretty much everyday were covered in dog pee. Gross. "It's ok, she's just a puppy honey. I will buy you a brand new pair after school." Harry said making me feel better. I threw the shoes away and put on my black and white converse. Harry was actually ready before me today...weird. I finished getting ready and we left for school.

*after school*

Harry and I went home to check on Hazel. I had left my mom a note saying that we got her and everything so that if she came home she could let her out and play with her too. I unlocked the door and we went inside. Hazel was in her kennel and was super excited to see us. I let her out and opened the back door. I went in the kitchen and saw that there's was a note from mom. It said: 'Hazel is the CUTEST puppy ever. When I got home and saw the kennel I was a little freaked out but then I looked for a note and found yours. I let her out to go potty and even got a snuggle out of her. Off to work like always. Love you guys. ~mom

P.s- I'll be home early enough to make you guys dinner :)

"Hey babe do you want to take Hazel to the beach?" I asked Harry. "Yeah that sounds fun. I'm gonna go pee then we can go." Harry replied. I laughed and got Hazel ready to go. Harry came downstairs and we left. We parked and walked down there.

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