Chapter 37

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I got a text from Amy;

A- Hey! I just wanted to let you know I'm not preggers. We are so lucky! Mo you don't understand how scared I was.

M-I'm so happy for you! I was scared to!

A- We need to hang out soon! I miss you.

M- I miss you too! Maddy is in town for the week, we should all go do something!

A- sounds good just let me know!

After we were done texting I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. "Hey Haz, wanna go walk?" I said putting my hand out for him to grab. He put his hand in mine and I pulled him up. "We will be right back." I told Maddy. She nodded her head and laid on Cameron's lap. Harry and I walked all the way down to the other

side of the beach and sat down for a while. "We should take a road trip and go somewhere fun." Harry said. "Yeah we should! Maddy and Cam can go and Ames and Niall can go too!" I replied. "I don't know where we should go though." Harry said. "Well we can have everyone over tonight and we can talk about it!" I said kissing Harry then stood up and pulled him up too. I hopped on his back and we headed back to Maddy and Cameron. When we got to them they were asleep on the blanket. I shook Maddy and woke them up. They got up and grabbed the blanket and we headed to the car. I texted Amy to meet us at my house do we could talk about the road trip. I talked to Maddy and Cam about it on the way home and they were down. So it was up to the other two, and where we wanted to go.

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