Chapter 20

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After a while of the boys playing, we all went inside and changed into clothes and then we went over to Lisa's house because she was getting off work soon. I unlocked the front door and we sat on the couch until she got home. When she got home she paid us and we left. We went home and my mom was actually home! we went inside and my mom had made dinner. "Hi honey, I made you guys dinner." mom said as we put our things down. We went in the kitchen and she made us chicken and rice. We got plates and dug in. "So, I have to go to work at 6 tomorrow so I won't be here in the morning." Mom said. Go figure. She is NEVER home. "Okay." I said as I finished. I got up washed my plate and went upstairs. My mom is never home and it pisses me off. My dad took off when I was little and my mom is barely home. It sucks. Harry came in shut my door and laid on the bed with me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "I hate that she's never home, she never spends time with me. I feel like I don't even have a 'mom'." I replied tearing up. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him and just let me cry. The rest of the night consisted of snuggling and watching Netflix.

In the morning I got up, took a shower, and got dressed. Harry was still asleep so I went and got us donuts and Starbucks.

Harry called me freaking out cuz I was gone.

H-babe where are you?

M-pulling in the driveway,what's wrong?

H-it scared me cuz you we no where in the house and your car was gone.

M-I'll be right in

I went inside and Harry was in the kitchen so I went in there. I put the drinks and donuts down and have him his.

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