Chapter 18

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I leaned my head on his shoulder and he gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Haz, this is amazing! I love you." "Its not as amazing as you are Mo! I love you too." Harry said making me blush. It started getting dark so we headed back to my car. I texted my mom saying we were on our way home. "im so glad we have tomorrow off school!!" Harry said as we got into the car. Harry drove home cuz I was too tired to drive. We pulled into the driveway and went inside. "Mom we're home!" I yelled. "Ok im up here, come here for a second Mo" she yelled back. "I'll be right back" I told Harry as he sat on the couch. I ran upstairs and went to my moms room. " So Lisa texted me and want to know if you and Harry would be up for watching Bennett for the day since you guys don't have school.?" " Yeah. Of course. I'm gonna see if we can go to the beach. That would be fun.!" I said. "Just double check with Lisa. I'm sure she won't care but just make sure. I'm gonna go to bed. Love you sweetie." "I will. Love you too." I said walking out of her room. I went downstairs and Harry was out cold. I gently shook him so he would wake up. He opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around me pulling me on top if him. "Let's go to bed Har!!" I said trying to get up. He sat up, picked me up and went upstairs to our room. He threw me on the bed and crawled into bed. "Lisa wants us to watch B tomorrow. You ok with that?" I asked as I got my pjs on. "Yeah." He replied. We have to get him at 8. Do you want me to go get him and come back so you can sleep in or do you want to go?" I asked as I crawled into bed next to Harry. "I'll go with." He said giving me a kiss and wrapping his arm around me.

I heard my alarm going off, I rolled over so I was facing Harry and kissed him making him wake up. I pulled away and he pulled me on top of him and kissed me. "We have to go get Bennett" I said when I pulled away. I got up and got dressed. I came out of the bathroom and Harry was dressed and playing flappy bird. He was laying on his stomach so I laid on him. "You just made me die!!!" he said laughing. "Aw poor baby" I said getting up off him. "I'm gonna kill you!" he said getting up off the bed. I ran downstairs grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I got in the car and locked the doors so he couldn't get in. He came out of the house shutting the door behind him and started pounding on the window. I finally unlocked the door so that we could get over to Lisa's. He got in and started tickling me. "Harry stop!!! We need to get to Lisa's otherwise she's going to be late!!!" I yelled at him. He stopped. "I'm getting you back later!" he said giving me a kiss. I pulled out of the driveway and went to Lisa's.i pulled up to the side of her house and we went In. "Hey Lisa we're here!" I yelled not seeing her in the kitchen. Bennett was 1 years old and the cutest little boy ever!! He came running from Lisa's room and came straight for me. i picked him up and went to get him dressed. Harry followed and sat in the chair in Bennett's room.

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