Chapter 11

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When we went in my mom was passed out on the couch. I turned the tv off and followed Harry upstairs. We got changed and cuddled in bed until we both fell asleep. In the morning I woke up and Harry wasn't in bed. Which was weird because he usually takes advantage of sleeping in. I got up went to the bathroom, went to my side of the bed and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Harry that said,

H- hey babe, I didn't want to wake you up. I'm at Starbucks and I'll be back soon. Love you. 😘

Me- hi. ☺️ I just woke up how long until your home?

H-pulling in now. 😉

I went to my moms roon, she wasn't in there so I went downstairs to see if she was still on the couch. She wasn't, weird. I walked to the kitchen to wait for Harry and I saw a note from my mom.

"Hey honey, the office called and they needed me. I will be back around 5! Love you guys!"

Aw she said 'love you guys'. Harry came in and had our favorite drinks. He's so sweet. I always get a cotton candy frap and he gets the strawberries and cream frap. He set the drinks down and gave me a hug and a kiss. On the drink it said "For my one and only!" it was cute. I went and sat on the couch and turned the tv on. Harry came and sat next to me, I put my drink on the coffee table and laid on him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "Do you want to do something today?" he asked looking down at me. "Sure, but you choose where to go! I always choose." I replied laughing.

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