Chapter 44

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About halfway up the hill Amy had to stop because she was cramping really bad. The cramps wouldn't stop so her and Niall went back to the hotel. We finally reached the top! We took some pictures and walked back down. When we got to the car we decided to go get Taco Bell and then go back to the hotel. We all ordered and left. Harry and I went into Maddy and Cameron's room and ate. "I'm so tired." Maddy said laying her head on Cams shoulder. "Me too" I said. "Wanna go to bed?" Harry asked. "Yeah. Will you carry me?" I asked doing a pouty face. "Yes." He said picking me up bridal style. We struggled opening our door, but figured it out. Harry threw me on the bed and jumped next to me pulling me to him. "We gotta change haha then we can snuggle. Okay?" I said kissing his nose and getting up. I got changed and crawled back into bed and snuggled Harry until we fell asleep. *BANG BANG* "Harry go get the door!" I said shaking him. "Ugh. Fine!" He yelled. He looked through the peep hole and froze. He slowly walked back over to the bed and said, "uh why would Kellen be at our hotel room at 3 in the fucking morning!?" "Wtf! UGH." I yelled getting out of bed. Harry follows me to the door as I open it. "What the fuck do you want?" I said pissed. "You." He said crying. "Kellen, I have no respect for you, you mean nothing to me okay!? Just move on! Go find some other girl to use, just leave me alone." I said slamming the door in his face. "Well then...." Harry said awkwardly getting back into bed. "I just don't understand why he's doing this!?" I said putting my head under my pillow. "Obviously he's jealous that you're taken and he can't have you. Just ignore it Mo." Harry said rubbing my back. "I love you." He said turning the lamp off. I pulled the pillow off my head and laid on it facing Harry. "I love you too." I said and he kissed me.

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