Chapter 31

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We got home and it was 6:00, so we just went up to my room and watched movies until we fell asleep.We woke up the next morning and after today we only have 2 more days of school. "HARRY! Get up it's 7:40!!" I yelled. I didn't even shower I just threw clothes on and braided my hair. Harry got up and got changed. We both brushed our teeth then ran downstairs got our bags and left. We got to school and we were literally a minute late. As the teacher was talking about her weird life I looked back at Harry and he's asleep. We didn't even stay up late we went to bed at 10:00 which is kinda early for us. The teacher didn't even care that he was asleep. When it was group work time I went over to Harry and woke him up. I sat on his lap and we just talked. Class was over and Harry walked me to 2nd. We stood outside the class for a while. The minute bell rang and Harry have me a kiss then went to his class. I went and sat down where I usually sit. The teacher took attendance then let us do whatever. Kellen came and sat next to me and said, "So, I uh just wanted to say sorry. I know I fucked up when we were together, and I know that doesn't change anything now but I guess I just got a little jealous..." "A little? You full on attacked Harry! I'm not even going to listen to anything you say cuz every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie. Can't you just leave me alone. You fucked up big time, you need to get a life and move on. I'm taken and I've moved on from whatever we were. You mean nothing to me and never will. Please just do yourself a favor and leave me alone!" I said. I grabbed my bag and left. I'm so glad we only have one more day of this hell hole. I went and sat outside until 3rd started. My phone buzzed, Harry texted;

H- hey babe, where are you?

M-sitting outside...

H-okay I'm coming.

A few minutes later Harry came and sat on the steps with me. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "Kellen sat next to me and tried to Apologize for doing what he did and that he knows he fucked up big time and all this shit and I told him off and told him to get a life and leave me alone because it's annoying as fuck and obviously he doesn't see that I'm madly in love...." I said blushing at the last part. Definitely did not mean to say that part out loud....

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