Chapter 4 (Friends?)

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(2nd Person)

Sasuke had been walking for a while now; taking you to random places you keep instructing him. It was just then when he noticed you weren't talking for a good five minutes that you fell asleep. He greatly enjoyed the silence, but it also felt a bit boring in his opinion. With no one ordering him around, his feet brought the two of you to the park. Lady luck spared him a peck as there's not much people around; said living things are mostly middle-aged people so he can breathe a little about tarnishing his image.

"Mm, where are we?" Sasuke sighed in relief, at least now he's got someone again to share his embarrassment with. They've been stared at the moment Sasuke stepped into the place. But then again, have you been feeling such a thing after initiating this? "I'm hungry." you announced, eyes landing on various restaurants. "Finally I can get some rest. You're heavy as hell." actually, he's just making up another reason for you to let him rest. Your weight is no big deal to him. Probably just right, if that's a thing. Sasuke groaned as you smacked his head. "Do you want me to make you stand outside?"

"...No." you patted his head, mentally complimenting his submissive attitude. "Let's go there." Sasuke's eyes followed the direction you pointed at then huffed, unimpressed by your choice.

You rolled your eyes, seeing random girls 'soundlessly' gush about the male accompanying you in the cafe. If they saw Sasuke from the other side of his face, they'd probably laugh at your vandalism on him. "What are you going to order?" Sasuke asked, taking a seat across you after briefly stretching his muscles. "Ah no, you can sit here. I'll order." that caught the raven off guard. "Earth to Duck-butt. What's your order?" you frowned at the blinking male. "Something that's not sweet is fine." you nodded, going to the counter.

Sasuke placed his cheek on his palm, watching you order. It was weird that you didn't ask him for his money when he's even under your command. He turned his gaze to window, wondering what will happen after this deal. Will you two be friends? Acquaintances? Or perhaps strangers again that'll just ignore each other's existence?

A sudden cold object pressed against his nape, jolting the unaware male. "Wha—" you held his drink to his face. "Here. Consider it a treat." you chuckled as you set down a plate of sandwiches, while he took the drink with a frown. "You paid for everything?" Sasuke rose a brow while you went back to quickly fetch your drink. "Duh. I'm the reason we're here, right?" you shrugged, immediately munching on a sandwich.

"Hey, let's have an eating contest." you proposed after waiting for Sasuke finish one of his own sandwiches. "Like you'll allow me to refuse." you lightly snorted. "Look who's learning. On the count of three, okay?"

"Whatever you say, (Name)." amidst the said contest, you watched Sasuke devour his food and drink while you took your time. "Hah, looks like I've won." the raven smirked in satisfaction, but soon it was replaced with confusion. "Indeed you won." you took another bite of your sandwich. "I don't get it."

"Well, now that you've finished everything, I can make you jealous of mine~" Sasuke frowned, muttering a curse under his breath. "Mm, delicious." you teased, hearing Sasuke's stomach growl. He ate so fast he didn't get to savour his meal. "Poor Duck-butt, still hu—"

"Shut up!" you scowled, "Oh come on, you're being way too hot-headed." Sasuke merely rolled his eyes and stood up, confusing you. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"No. I'm leaving." his serious voice made you stand up as well, "You can't be serious. We're not done yet."

"I am." Sasuke's mood annoyed you greatly as you followed him outside. "Sasuke!" you called out, but he didn't look back. "Don't go!" still no response as he left the park. "Please!" the distance between his back and you grew larger and larger you can't help but stop. Memories from your past flashed before your eyes. "Please don't leave me alone, Sasuke..." once again, rain began to pour down.

A loud thud prompted Sasuke to turn around, "Seriously (Name), I'm not in the mood anymore—" the raven's eyes is greeted by your unconscious form. "(Name)!" he raced to your side, immediately feeling your body temperature. "Sht, you have a fever!" Sasuke debated whether to the call for Reo to pick them up or not, but then it might take him longer to take you home. He picked you up, and sprinted back to your house.


"(Name)?" Sasuke's blurry face slowly became clear after a few squints. "Sasuke? Wh... What are you doing h-here?" you felt dizzy as you tried to sit up and rest your head against the head board. At least you recognized your own room. "I invited myself back in and rummaged through your kitchen. Sorry, it was needed. I would've taken you home but circumstances don't allow it."

You nodded, while Sasuke handed you a bowl of soup. "Your key's on top of your drawer. I can leave once you've taken your medicine." you glanced at the soup, then back to him. "Sorry for bothering you." you sighed, taking a spoonful of your soup which almost instantly made you feel better. "You idiot, how did you get this fever?" he sat back down to his stool, eyes on you. "Ugh, I didn't get enough sleep yesterday. Not to mention, I visited my aunt's grave when the rain stopped. I just didn't expect it to come back while I was out."

"So much for the energy you had earlier."

"I thought the shower I had was enough." you reasoned. "Should I call one of your friends? I don't think you're totally okay with me being here." you shook your head, "Everyone's always busy with something unless they say otherwise. I don't wanna bother them." Sasuke massaged his temples in response. "I personally don't mind, but you may be needed at your house. You've already done enough."

"I already informed my driver. It's fine. He'll be here once I call him." you chuckled, "You're lucky to have him." Sasuke allowed a small smirk form. "I am." once you finished your soup, you drank your medicine. "How nice of the servant to take care of his master." you teased after Sasuke made his call. "Whatever. I guess it's my punishment." silence enveloped the two of you for a while before you spoke up once again. "What'll happen to us after this?"

Sasuke blinked at your question, unsure how to answer it. "I don't know. What do you have in mind?" honestly, Sasuke can't even believe his unusual responses. "Do you hate me?"

"Not quite. Do you?" you chuckled softly, enjoying the warmth of your blanket. "Feeling's mutual. Does this qualify us to be friends?"

Sasuke averted his eyes, heat rising up to his ears. "I guess. Since you're not so bad yet pitiful, I'll consider it." you opened your mouth to give him a piece of your mind when the doorbell rang, signalling for Sasuke to leave. "Tomorrow's Sunday. Make sure you get enough rest to come to school on Monday. See you." he placed his hand inside his jean's pockets, making his way to the door.

"Wait." Sasuke hummed, allowing you to continue as he stopped walking. "Thank you." Your cheeks flushed, discarding the idea of looking at him. "No problem." With that, Sasuke left your house.  

So This Is What They Call Love (Modern!Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now