Chapter 10 (Feelings)

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(2nd Person)

No new messages.

No new or missed calls.

Nothing from your father.

Except he still sends money and packages. You frowned in confusion. What could have happened that you stopped hearing from him? You even wrote him letters, but received no response. It started when you turned ten. The everyday calls and messages turned into often, then rare, and finally, stopped. Perhaps he's busy. Too busy for your liking or comfort. But at least he hasn't forgotten about you, right? You heart broke as you stared blankly at your aunt who's fighting for her life. Various tubes and such connected to her. You badly needed someone to comfort you, but no one is available. You needed more.

"Dad... your sister needs you." you sniffled, burying your face to your hands. The door creaked, and you already knew who it was. "There, there. Yuna's a strong woman, she can win this." your uncle rubbed your back as he comforted you. "Thank you, Uncle." It wasn't enough, but you're still grateful for having a temporary someone next to you at this time.


"Ah... I have to go." your uncle gave you an apologetic look. You nodded in understanding. "It's okay, Uncle. You always check on us whenever you can. I got her." you reassured him, but you wondered if it did. Because your own words didn't made you feel that way. "Sorry (Name). I'll check on you guys tomorrow morning. I promise." you smiled at him. He's so nice and caring. Like your father. Damn, you miss him so much. It's been an hour since your uncle left, yet your aunt is still unconscious.

"Please don't leave me..." you lightly squeezed your aunt's hand. "(Name)..." your eyes widened at her familiar, soothing voice. "A-aunt Yuna!" you couldn't help but cry tears of joy as the woman's eyelids revealed its beautiful irises. "You silly child... I wanted to sleep more." she wiped your tears. "That's enough for now Auntie... you scared me." you chuckled. She merely hummed, "You can have someone else forever by your side, you know." she sounded tired, very much lacking the energy she always have. "Who? Everyone always leaves me at some point! Aunt Yuna, please don't say more, you're scaring me."

"A husband, (Name). Love. You already love your friends and family, (Name). Learn to love yourself more and maybe, a significant other. It's beautiful, trust me. I've felt it before... I trust you'll take care of everything, sweetie." she smiled at you, closing her eyes. "Hey, come on..." you pouted as she fell back asleep. At least the heart monitor is still going. You hoped tomorrow she'll be back to her normal self. Staying awake for the past two days, with cat naps only as your way of sleeping, finally brought fatigue to you. You eyes drooped, wanting to sleep so badly. But the sound of a beeping machine snapped you awake.

"Aunt Yuna?!" You exclaimed, panic evident in your voice. "D-doctor!" you rushed outside as fast as you can. But it was too late. Your aunt wasn't breathing anymore when you came back. The doctors tried what they could, but nothing succeeded.

"I'm sorry for your loss."



Those were the main words you heard at the funeral of your aunt. You returned home after the funeral, wanting some time to yourself despite being invited to have some company with your uncle or friends. You hated not being able to do more for your aunt. If you had known she'll get a heart attack earlier... you sobbed. You can't bear the thought of losing someone dear to you. Someone who was actually like a mother to you. She filled in with her best to your parents' absence. Heck, you felt like she's more of a mother and sister than your genuine ones.


You blinked your tears away at the memory. Since you remembered your uncle, you decisively called him up and proposed to eat out. He was hesitant as the sun is setting, but you managed to convince him, suggesting he can just send you home if he's so worried. Your uncle laughed, agreeing as he missed you as well. You locked your house, zipping up your jacket as you made your way to meet up with your uncle. "(Name)?" you whipped your head to the origin of the voice. "Sasuke..."

'significant other'

Your aunt's words echoed in your brain for some reason. "Where are you going?" he asked, stopping near you. You sighed, that was a better question than why you ignored him. "I'm meeting up with my uncle. I'm heading to the train station now. What about you?"

"I decided to take a walk to get my mind off of things." he paused, "I'll walk you there. I'll pass by that route anyway." That caught you by surprise. You had the urge to tease him, but it doesn't look like the two of you are in for a comedic mood. "Well if you really want to."

The both of you walked side by side in silence, lost in your own thoughts, until you broke it. "Sasuke, you won't just leave me out of the blue, right?" he lightly snorted, "That's funny coming from someone who ditched me to Kasumi and didn't even say goodbye yesterday." Your face flushed, clutching your jacket in guilt. "Sorry... I'll explain myself soon."

"Tomorrow, after school. Same cafe at the park." you blinked, a small smile crept to your lips. he's not mad.. you thought happily. Now you feel relieved.

"What's with the sigh?"

"Mm, nothing." You were scared he'd ignore you for what you did. After all, you didn't give him any explanation.

'A husband, (Name). Love.'

Your heart thumped. This feeling, you're sure... it's so beautiful. You're not sure if it is what the voice in your head says it is, but you want to feel it every day. Blushing, you try to push the thought away. It can't be true, right? You've experienced this feeling before, but for some reason, it feels like it's on a whole different level. You look at the raven next to you, the corner of his lips were slightly lifted. He looks back, waiting for your answer.


So This Is What They Call Love (Modern!Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now