Chapter 12 (Cracked Mask)

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(Your POV)

Apparently Iruka-sensei isn't present so the whole class made groups to spend time with their friends. "(Name)—"

"Nuh-uh, Sasuke. You go with the boys for now." Ino immediately cut off Sasuke as he was about to talk to me. "What's this about?" I asked, glancing at Sasuke before to my friend. "Girls time, of course." Ino ushered Sasuke towards Naruto and Sai which he grudgingly did so while she took his seat. Hinata adjusted hers to face ours.

"You know (Name), someone who introduced herself as your sister went up to us and was all nice and sht. But if you ask me, that kind of personality always seems fishy to me." Ino looked at me seriously. "B-but what if she's really nice?" Hinata fiddled with her fingers as they both looked at me. I frowned, "Kasumi? She's definitely not."

"How come you never told us you have a sister?" Hinata asked, looking at me with such curiosity as much as Ino does. "I don't see her as one. Besides, we just met again. She can't act being a good sister all of a sudden after what happened to us."

"Whoa, what happened?" I scoffed, reminiscing the past. "Sorry, I don't wanna talk about it."

"It's okay. But you can tell us whenever you're ready to." Ino gave me a reassuring pat and smile, which I'm grateful for. "Okay, thanks." I bit my lip, I hate bringing the mood down. "(Name)," Hinata placed a hand on my shoulder. "If something happened when you were young, don't you think she may have changed now?" I frowned at her. "Give her a chance, (Name). Don't you want the feeling of having a sister again?"

I sighed, "I'll see to it." I then smiled at her. "Hey, you didn't stutter." Ino and I laughed as Hinata's whole face turned into crimson red out of embarrassment and reverted back into a stuttering mess.


My final class ended so I packed up my things, getting ready to leave. "(Name), do you want Reo to drive us there or do we get a cab?" Sasuke asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Sasuke, it's just a fifteen minute walk there." I shook my head, packing my last notebook. "I don't want you to get tired." I raise a brow at him, thinking he's making excuses. "I didn't know you're the lazy type."

"I'm not."

"Mhm. Anyway, let's just walk." Sasuke stepped aside so I could leave my seat. "If that's what you really want, then sure." as we walked out of the school gates, Kasumi blocked our way, her arms outstretched in front of us. Sasuke and I grimaced at her. "What the hell do you want?" Sasuke asked, I can already tell he doesn't want to spend any time with her. "Let's hang out in my house!" Kasumi invited, all bubbly and smiles.

"No thanks. We have plans." I answered this time but she ignored it. "Oh come on, please? It won't be long!"

"We said we don't want to. Let's go, (Name)." to my surprise, Sasuke grabbed my wrist and proceeded to walk away. I bit my lip as I allowed him to drag me away. "Sasuke... do you think a broken trust can be put back together?"

"It depends. Why?" he looked back at me while I bear confusion in my eyes. Hinata's words rang in my head, giving me what-ifs. "I really, really don't want to forgive her. But Hinata said to me earlier that I should give her a chance. What do you think...?"

"Well..." Sasuke sighed, "Do you miss her?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want to give her a chance?"

"No... Ugh, j-just maybe."

"Then I'll come with you." Sasuke said decisively. "Uh, you don't have to. You don't exactly like her either, don't you?"

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