Chapter 17 (Reveal)

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(Your POV)

I finished slipping on my clothes, ready to head to bed when my phone beeped. My eyes automatically glanced on its screen as it presented Sasuke's ugly nickname: "Darling Duck-butt." I chuckled as I picked it up, debating if I should change it later into something romantic. "Why's my dear Duck-butt calling this late?" I asked with a teasing tone, sitting on the soft mattress. "I..." he trailed off. "Is something bothering you?" judging by his tone, I could tell it was something to him. "Never mind, it can wait tomorrow, I promise." I shrug, assured that he gave me his word anyway.

"I've been thinking, should we reconsider about telling the others about us?" Sasuke asked. I sighed, "Is this to keep your fangirls away from me? I'm fine, Sasuke. Really." Sasuke sighed back from the other line. "Okay, I trust you. I promise this is the last time we'll talk about it. Unless you bring it up yourself of course." I smiled, fiddling with the necklace he gave me with my free hand. "Good night, darling~" I cooed, earning a surprised sound from him that was soon followed by a brief silence. "You're forbidden from using that word, Love. Good night." I laughed as he ended the call.


I frowned at the girls who began to swarm around Sasuke. I clenched my fists and decided all against the logical me thoughts as I pulled Sasuke away from the fangirls, especially when they're the ones who attempted to hurt me. "Get your filthy hands off my boyfriend, thank you."

"Why thank you, darling." Sasuke smirked at me, wrapping an arm around my waist."

"You're welcome—Ack?!" the ringing of the alarm clock suddenly pulled me out of my dream. "A dream...?" I said in confusion. I slapped my hands to my cheeks. "I'm NOT doing that!" I told myself, reminiscing the bold move I've made. Not too long, the doorbell rang.

"Wha?" I creased my brows together as I went downstairs. "Sasuke? You're way too early." I said in astonishment. Like, it's still past 6AM. "I am...?" he sounded surprised as me but I let him in anyway. "I'm only about to take a shower. Did you eat breakfast?" his silence and slightly red ears was all I need to answer my question.

"While you're making something for yourself, make something for me too." I chuckled, kissing his cheek before humming my way to the bathroom. After putting on my uniform, I went downstairs to catch Sasuke finish preparing our food. "Mm, I didn't expect you to know how to cook."

"I only cook for selected people." I smiled, thanking him for the food and dug in. "You good?" I nodded, slipping on my shoes. Right when we're halfway from school, I realized something. "Ah, I forgot to make my lunch!" I pouted, looking up at Sasuke. "What?"

"Can I share with your food?" he rolls his eyes. "Nah."

"Eh?! But I don't like the cafeteria food—Oh." My complaints were stopped when Sasuke pushed a bento to me. "You made this for me?"

"No. I made it for Lucy but she forgot about it." I frowned in confusion. "...Really?"

"Hn, no. Of course I made it for you. I decided to make it before the breakfast we had." he crossed his arms, not looking at me. My heart warmed up at the gesture. "Thanks Duck-butt!" happily, I slipped my hand to his. "My pleasure, darling." he lightly smiled at me. "Over here, (Name)!" Hinata and Ino waved at me, each accompanied by their boyfriends.

"Whoa, are you two together?" Naruto asked, eyes landing on our hands. Sasuke and I exchanged looks before I gave him a warm smile and nod. "Yes we are." Naruto gasped in disbelief whilst Sai smiled and congratulated us.

"Lies!" a scream erupted from behind us. "Excuse me?" I felt infuriated just by looking at this certain red-head. Now she's questioning my relationship with Sasuke despite it being announced right in front of her?

So This Is What They Call Love (Modern!Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now