Valentines Day Special~

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Author's note(Edit):
This isn't part of the edited version, but it's still published anyway.10-15-20

Since author-chan is very happy and valentine's day is approaching, Here's a bonus chap..this has nothing to do with the story lel. Enjoy~!


I groaned as I roll out of my bed and check on my phone. I saw a single message, It was from Ino. I opened the message and the next thing I knew I was taking a shower and was rummaging through my closet. The text read:

(Name), Have you already bought your Valentine's gift for Sasuke?!

'I forgot today is Valentine's!' I mentally face palmed. I finally saw the perfect (f/c) dress with (f/c) blazer for the occasion. I immediately wear it and slipped on some black flats and grabbed my purse.


I arrived at the mall and saw a LOT of couples smiling to themselves as it is already visible that they are having a good time. Sasuke said we meet at the park by 4pm and it's already 3pm. Shoot, I only have an hour to buy a gift for him! I searched through different kinds of stores but find nothing that could interest my boyfriend.

As I wander around the mall. 'Oh I know!' I clutched my phone as I entered a certain store.


I clutched the rectangular gift in my chest as I walked out of the mall. I look at my watch and saw I'm already late for our date. I tried to get fast into the park as much as possible until I saw him sitting on a bench...with a GIRL?! My eyes widen as I saw the girl move closer to his face attempting to kiss him but suddenly, Sasuke stood up making the girl kiss nothing. "Sorry, But I already have a girlfriend that is much more amazing than you." My heart skipped a beat at Sasuke's words, my grip tightening on my rectangular gift.

The girl ran away, crying her heart out. "There you are, took you long enough, (Name)." I gulped as I noticed Sasuke is already infront of me, smirking. "What's that?" Before I could say a thing, he grabbed my gift and opened it. "Ah! Hey Sas-" I stopped and blushed as Sasuke smiled, a genuine one at the picture. He turned the frame to me as I saw the picture of both of us, lying on the grassy ground.

 He turned the frame to me as I saw the picture of both of us, lying on the grassy ground

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(A/n: Imagine that's u with Sasuke lol)

"Beautiful." He said. I gulped again as I looked down, fiddling with my fingers. "Thank you for the gift, Now my turn." He dig his hand in his pocket and took out 2 necklaces. A couple Necklace to be exact. It was a yin and yang one. He put the yin on me while I put the yang necklace on him.

I was adoring the necklace when he grabbed my chin and kissed me. I kissed back. "(Name), we are like the Yin and Yang, we may be opposites but we cannot exist without the other and can never be separated from each other. I love you, Happy Valntines Day." He kissed my forehead, making me smile. "I love you too, Sasuke Uchiha." Then we both locked ourselves into a hug.

So? How was it? I know short but at least I updated xD

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