Chapter 9 (The Past pt.2)

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(2nd Person)

You woke up and instinctively squinted at the light above you. "You're awake!" you saw your parents, uncle and the worst human living for you is your sister. "Mom, Dad!" you exclaimed in glee, pretending your sister is nonexistent. Your mother smiled lightly while your father hugged and pecked your head. "I missed you two..." you mumbled as your uncle then came to your view. "Sorry for sneaking out, uncle." you hung your head in shame. "You're forgiven. I was irresponsible too though, so I'm sorry as well." he gave you a reassuring smile which you're absolutely grateful for. "Yui, I have to go back and finish my work." your mother nodded. "Alright girls, say goodbye to your Uncle."

"Bye uncle!" you both said in sync, making you frown internally. "Girls, stay here and behave, okay? Mom and I will just get some food." you nodded and they both left. Kasumi, to your distaste, sat on your bed. "(Name)?" you ignored her and threw the covers over your head, trying your best not to bring back the pain you've been feeling last night.

"Don't be like this. I just wanna say I'm sorry—"

"I don't wanna hear it! We're not friends!" Kasumi flinched at the foreign tone you used. "But (Name), we're sisters..." you pulled the blanket down to reveal your glaring eyes at her. "My sister would've came back!" that pushed Kasumi's button. Aren't sisters supposed to forgive each other, no matter what the other did?

That's when you noticed the bandages on her head. "Wait, what happened to your—"

"I-It wasn't my fault that you're weak and a scaredy-cat!" you gasped, "I thought you said I wasn't those things?! I always trusted you! Even when I don't wanna do what you wanna do..."

"You were lame! I wanted to have fun but all you do is boring stuff!" you cried, feeling mad at your sister again. Why couldn't you? When all she said back then was fake. "Don't cry! Losers are the only ones who cry!" Kasumi yelled, starting to feel scared that even her mother would be mad at her now. "I'm not a loser!" you screamed, not wanting to deal with your sister anymore.

"Then stop crying!" she glared at you before continuing. "It's your fault we're here now. I want you to tell Daddy that you pushed me and fell to the pit yourself."


"Do it! I don't want Daddy to hate me!" you look at your fuming sister. "But I don't want him to hate Me!" your parents then entered the room, only to be greeted by the sight of their children yelling. "(Name)—!" your mother yelled before your father's voice dominated hers. "Kasumi, what did you do?!" your father went to your side while your mother pulled Kasumi back to her bed.

Your parents looked at each other in disbelief. "Dear, what are you doing?! (Name) obviously started the fight. Look at her trying to be the innocent one by crying! Don't spoil nor believe her!" your eyes widen at what your mother said. You always denied the sinking feeling that she favours your older sister than you, as Kasumi said it so herself. Now you know she lied. "Will you shut the hell up?! Why are you always in Kasumi's side, huh?! Can't you actually pay attention to (Name) for once?!"

Now both you and Kasumi are now sobbing loudly. "Shh..." your father comforted you as you hugged him, afraid of the current situation. "I've had it with you for the past months! Let's just end this!"

"Why? Because you're seeing another man?! Hah, the nerve you have to be the one to say that!" the new information was too much to take in that you're feeling dizzy. "You fcking knew and you didn't tell me? Gosh, we could've ended this sooner."

"Fine. You were sht at being a mother anyway." your father hugged you tightly, as if shielding you from your mother. "Mom, Dad, Stop!" Kasumi pleaded, but it was futile as her mother dragged her out of the room. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, (Name)." You felt him caress your hair apologetically as you looked up at him, wanting a confirmation about your mother.

That confirmation was a nod, and it broke your heart. Soon enough, hospital staff came to the room to ask about the ruckus.


After a few weeks, you're finally discharged from the hospital. "Where are we going?" you asked, eating your favorite snack that's apparently a prize for getting well. "You'll see." he had a look of discomfort in his features again but you shrugged it off, thinking it's nothing you should be worried about since that's what he kept telling you the past few days. At last, your father stopped the engine. In front of you is the house of your aunt.

"(Name), princess..." he took your hand with a sad smile. "Dad...?" you swallowed the lump in your throat, not liking the atmosphere. "Please understand. I talked to your Aunt yesterday and she already agreed to let you stay here."

"J-just me?" you looked at him in disbelief as he hesitantly nodded. "Why are you leaving me too?! Don't you love me?!" you wanted to cry but your father quickly wiped it away. "I need to work in abroad, princess. Don't worry; I will always call you every day. I will make sure to send you gifts and money... just stay strong."

"But I want you!" you hugged him, which he returned. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll come back for you."

When you both calmed down, your father rang the doorbell. A lady in her late twenties greeted you two. "Hello (Name). Do you remember me?" she smiled, crouching to your level. "Aunt Yuna..." you mumbled, barely recalling her. It has been a year since you last saw her. But at the very least, you remembered her being just as kind and gentle. Your aunt smiled at you. "Oh, your things are already in your room." she steps aside, "Please. Come in."

You and your father thanked her, "Yuna, we need to talk." said woman nodded. "Of course, Ken. (Name), you can go to your room. It's the first door to your right. Please make yourself at home." you glanced at your father who gestured at you to go. With a heavy heart, you made your way upstairs and saw the said door has your name on it, even a girly decoration is already placed. You sighed to yourself, hoping it wouldn't be as bad as you think.

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