Chapter 1 (Meeting Mr. Duck-butt)

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(Your POV)

The morning sun's rays made me squint as my hand searched for my ringing phone. Gently rubbing my eyes to adjust my vision, the screen showed a new message from my friend, Ino. Seriously, how excited can this girl be?

To: (Name)

Good morning (Name)! I can't believe we're finally at our last senior year! Better get ready now, bye!

I groaned as I rolled to my side, eyes landing on the clock. "Damn school day." I mumbled, gathering all of my will just to stand up and get a shower. "Eek—!" I yelped in surprised as the cold water came contact with my skin, completely waking me up from my groggy state.

After that, I then changed into my uniform before glancing at my reflection at the mirror. Not too bad. I live by myself so the house is quiet. Everything is on me. I then put my cooking skills in action as I made myself some delicious French toast. A cuss escapes my lips when I noticed that I've been savouring the food more than I intended to, which will probably the cause of me being late.

It's just when Konoha high school came to my view when I stopped in my tracks. "I forgot my damn lunch..." I face palmed, whispering my idiocy to myself. I glanced at my watch. There's still twenty minutes left before the bell rings. Sure I have the option to buy lunch at the school's cafeteria, but I know fully well that cafeteria food sucks as hell.

I heard a bell ring, prompting me to whip my head towards that certain direction. A guy just left the convenience store. A smirk made its way to my lips. Lucky me~

I pushed the door open and walked inside. The staff perked at my presence and greeted me, which I awkwardly returned just to not appear rude. Immediately, I made a beeline to the snacks section, eyes scanning the foods as fast as possible since I don't wanna be late on my first day. Finally, I spotted one last onigiri.

I grabbed it and would've already paid and went to school but it turns out, another hand shot out to grab it at the same time. Annoyance crossed my features as I lifted my head to ask the person to let go in the nicest way I can manage but I ended up examining his face. He has amazing, onyx orbs and pale skin. But what really caught my attention instead is his hair that's similar to a... duck's ass.

"Fancy hair, my dude." I blurted out unconsciously, resulting to my eyes turn wide. Of course, it earned me a glare from him. But hey, he at least looks human enough for my liking. "What the hell's your problem? Get your filthy hands off my onigiri so I can leave." he demanded, obviously already pissed at me. "Your onigiri? I got it first!" I retorted, returning his glare. "Plus, you haven't bought it yet." I scowled, pulling the onigiri box.

He clicked his tongue, tugging on it as well. This guy...! At this rate, I can already tell that he'll be victorious at this tug of onigiri sht. I bit my lip, thinking what kind of distraction I can make to escape the situation. "Oh look, there's more onigiris!" I exclaimed, pointing at a random direction to make it more believable. "What? Where?!" fortunately, he looked at the direction I pointed and saw... nothing. Pfft, what an idiot.

I smirked, snatching the food and threw some money on the counter, running out of the store without a second thought. "Keep the change!" I yelled, increasing my speed in order to make it to school in time, and maybe because of the possibility that Mr. Duck-butt may catch me.

I tried to catch my breath as I barely made it in time. Damn that duck for turning me like this. As I passed scattered students, their gossips reached my ears. "...I heard the new guy's an Uchiha! And you know what that means.." the girl squealed at her friend, evidently excited to see the new guy. "Yeah, all Uchihas are known for their good looks and money. So I bet he's like that too!"

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