Chapter 14 (Answers)

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(Your POV)

In the end, we decided to talk in my house for better privacy and well, comfort. Considering he just confessed and I'm not really okay with discussing important things with people around. Heck, I'd be paranoid that someone's listening to us. Sasuke was quiet and only gave occasional replies as I told him what happened between me and Kasumi. He'd give my hand a light squeeze every time I'm having a hard time to continue. He was after all, the only one I've told this as of now. I gotta make up to my friends.

Surprisingly, opening up was easier than what I expected. Or maybe it's because Sasuke's sincere gaze and presence are the ones that strengthened me. Funny, I kept freaking out earlier because of him. "Come here." My eyes widen as he locked me within an embrace again. His scent and warmth is just divine, something that I never knew I needed nor wanted. "So then, what happened when I left?" I chuckled, parting from him. "I was just about to say that, but you hugged me." he averted his eyes, ears catching red while he scratched his nape. "S-sorry." he stuttered. How very cute.

"What?! Why didn't you told me earlier?! We should report her!" I smiled nervously as the male beside me now is infuriated after learning what Kasumi did to me. How scary yet heart-warming. "Calm down," I smiled. It feels nice that he really cares about me... more than a friend. "How can I be calm when she mistreated you that way? I should've really listened to my gut." he frowned, not knowing it soon turned into a pout. I bit my lip to suppress a chuckle. "You're adorable and all, but I want to know what happened between you and Kasumi in abroad." he sighed, "I hate to remember, but you deserve to know."

(3rd Person)

"Me and Kasumi..." Sasuke frowned and cringed at the thought before continuing...

Sasuke was a transferee to his new school when he first met Kasumi. "Sorry, bye!" Sasuke hurriedly left his limo, cursing at himself for oversleeping at the first day of his school. As if in slow motion, Sasuke saw a girl before the two collided into each other. Pretty cliché. "Ah, fck..." Sasuke peeked at the girl in front of him. She was beautiful, an added charm was her heterochromia. "I'm so sorry..." Sasuke apologized, picking up the girl's fallen items. "It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going too." she flashed him a smile, taking the hand outstretched for her.

"We should head to our classes. I'll see you around!" Sasuke, however, stopped her. "Wait. I'm a transferee and I kind of need some help finding my class."

"Then I'll help you. You gotta make up for me getting late though." Sasuke sighed, nodding in defeat. "Thanks."

"See 'ya!" Kasumi cheerfully waved him goodbye as he entered his classroom. "Ah, Mr. Uchiha. You're just in time." the teacher welcomed him, soon introducing him to his new classmates.


It was lunch time and Sasuke, being new and introverted decided to take a stroll through the school, searching for a peaceful place to eat his meal. In almost every direction he walks to, he can hear giggles and squeals of girls. Some are merely staring. He's used to the attention, but he hated it. He wished he's still with his friends back in Japan. At least he knew people there. The people here look skeptical to him. "Just give it time, Sasuke..." he told himself.

"Hey, what's up?" Sasuke blinked at the girl he met earlier. "You are..."

"Yep! I'm your upperclassman who kindly sent you to your classroom earlier. So, where are you headed to? The cafeteria's at the other way." she smiled, eyes slowly landing on his lunch. "I'm looking for a place to eat."

"There's the cafeteria for that." Sasuke sighed, she's so chatty but at least she's friendly and not ogling at his looks. "I know, but I felt uncomfortable there." the girl slowly understood him as she noticed lots of eyes are on them. Mostly glaring.

So This Is What They Call Love (Modern!Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now