Chapter 7 (New students)

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 (Your POV)

Dark circles under my eyes greeted me as I gaze at my reflection. I blame that woman for this. I spent the night tossing and turning around, annoyed at the possibility that Kasumi will visit me. I quickly did my morning routine, hoping I could catch a short nap before class starts.

Once I reached school, the girls' screaming entered my ears, making me flinch and attempt to maneuver out of the crowd but I was too late. My guess was it was no other than Duck-butt himself but it wasn't him. The guy does have the same hair color as him but it was styled messy. Additionally, his eyes are dark brown. Honestly, he reminds me of Sasuke but he lacks the aura—and level of looks. My eyes widened in disbelief. Why am I comparing them?! I shook my head and gaped at the sight. It's Kasumi, now clinging on the guy. Oh hell no, she can't be a new student here!

I removed my loathing gaze from her and began to make my way out of the crowd, trying my best to avoid being seen by her. I sighed in relief after making out of the crowd when a girl suddenly appeared in front of me, causing us to fall over. It was a good thing the crowd is still preoccupied with the guy.

The girl has black hair, dyed with red at the ends. Why are there so many raven-haired people that I keep bumping to? "I'm sorry!" she apologized, immediately standing up and helped me back to my feet. "I'm really sorry, senpai." she apologized again, bowing her head after noticing that I grimaced while trying to ease the pain in my ass.

"Oh no, it's my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." I shrugged, dusting off my uniform. "Um, what's your name?" I raise a brow at her. She's being friendly, isn't she?

"(Full Name), you?"

Just then the bell rang, catching everyone's attention. "Sorry. I have to go to my class, (Name)-san. See you next time!"

"Oh, it's okay. I have to go too anyway. Bye." I hid my disappointment as she waved her hand and ran off to her class. "(Name)-chan! Won't you greet your sister~?" I jolted at the annoying, yet familiar voice and sprint to my class, not sparing Kasumi a glance.

I sweat drop upon reaching my classroom. If it weren't for Kasumi, I wouldn't be out of breath right now. Not to mention, the ever so late Kakashi-sensei is my teacher during this time. I sat on my chair, exchanging greetings with Hinata first, before trying to get a nap as planned before.


"Sorry class I'm late." I finished stretching my arm once our dear teacher entered the classroom. I managed to sleep for more than half an hour, now sensei has only about twenty minutes left of class. We simply nodded at him. Even though he's always late, we're more productive with him than with our other teachers. Surprisingly, Sasuke's still not present. Soon enough, our lesson began. "Turn to page 45..."

By the time we're about to answer page 48, the classroom door slid open. My, my. Duck-butt finally arrived. However, he seems tired and didn't get some sleep? Kakashi-sensei reprimanded him first before letting him go. He's silent as when he answered the exercises, probably digging through his stuck knowledge. It was no surprise that I got a higher score than him, but he still managed to pass though.

Break came and I had to spend it alone since Sasuke had to stay after class. Usually we go through some lessons for a quick review. But I guess it's still better that he couldn't join me for now because I'm not in the mood to explain myself yet. May I add that it's also a relief that I haven't encountered Kasumi?

I let out groan after my final class, math, ended. I debated whether I should leave now without bidding Sasuke goodbye at the very least but in the end, I walked out of the school without doing so. It's annoying how I always remember him since the day we met. I'm not allowing myself to be one of his fangirls! I declared silently to myself.

I patiently waited for the green light to turn red before I could pass, but when it did, I almost got thrown away by a car?! That was merely just a step! If I took more I would've been dead by now! I angrily marched over the car that stopped, smacking the driver's window with my fist. The force wasn't enough to inflict damage, thankfully. I fear I'll end up asking Dad to send me money more than he intends to every month. The car looks expensive, but ugh, he almost snatched the life out of me.

"You bastard, were you trying to kill me?!" I yelled as the man from inside slowly rolled his window down. "You're..." to my surprise it was the guy Kasumi was clinging to earlier. "Oh sorry, miss. Kasumi just wants to talk to you. Will you please come?" I frowned at him. "Like hell I am." I made a move to leave since I don't wanna spend any more time with him. "Okay~" he sang but contrary to what he replied, he got out of his car and swept me off my feet. "Excuse me?! Put me down this instant!" he ignored me as he opened the passenger's door, and pushed me inside.

"Hey, this is kidnapping!" I glared at him while he locked the doors and began to drive. "I'll call the police on you!"

"Um, my girlfriend just wants to see you." I swear I want to damage his not-so-handsome face. "I don't care about your damn girlfriend—wait what?" I heard him right, didn't I?

"Kasumi's my girlfriend, (Name)-san."

"I'm not surprised. You seem like a shtty person like her." he frowned at me. It wasn't long when the car stopped in front of a decent-looking modern house. He wasn't the least bit redeemed when he opened the car and front door for me. The hell I care if he's a gentleman. In the living room is an impatient Kasumi, sitting with her legs crossed on the couch. "Thank you, Leo." she stood up and pecked his lips. A look of disgust immediately showed up to my face.

"You can go to the kitchen while we talk. I made your favourite." she giggled as Leo gasped in delight before going to the said room. "Wow, wasn't that a nice display?" sarcasm obviously dripped from my tone but in return, Kasumi giggled to me once more. "Right? he's so perfect for me."

"I couldn't agree more." I rolled my eyes as she gestured me to have a seat. "No, I'm good standing." I crossed my arms, "In fact, I should be leaving now." Kasumi pouted, "Won't you stay for dinner at least? Were you doing something before my boyfriend fetched you?"

I huffed, "No, and let me recall... I haven't even reached my house when your oh-so-beloved boyfriend nearly killed me!" I exclaimed in annoyance, while she laughed in amusement. "(Name), my sweet little sister. Why don't you live here with us?" now it's my turn to laugh. Then what? Deal with her and probably witness an everyday PDA? I'm not sold at all. Especially when what her and my mother's sins keep knocking to my brain. "No way."

"Come on, (Name). Eat dinner with us." she attempted to grab my hand but I slapped her hand away. "I'm going home." I said sternly, "Bye. And don't ever act like my sister, Kasumi. It disgusts me more than the PDA I witnessed." I turn around my heel to avoid seeing her reaction, and left the house. "Bye little sister!" a tick mark appeared on my head. "I'm not little! I'll be legal soon!" I snapped at her figure that's standing by the front door. I hate her so much.

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