Chapter 13(Confessions)

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(Your POV)

I slid down against my door, hugging my knees to my chest as I felt my heart ache. The sight of them being in that position was painful like no other. What is happening to me? They're just hugging. Friends can do that, right?

"Ugh, (Name), keep it together! Don't let it get to you." I scolded myself, "Everything is good now. Don't ruin it." I sighed, laying my head on the wooden door as I stare at the blank ceiling. "Why am I so affected..." I mumbled.

'Well... our siblings used to date each other back in New York.'


I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts. But no matter what I do, Sasuke being with Kasumi once again brought pain to my heart. Especially after he told me earlier that Kasumi and Leo broke up...

I clenched my fists. I can't love him, it's weird! He's just too... what? I can't even answer my own question. And if I do like him, why? What do I see in him? Was it his smirk? his hypnotic onyx eyes? Hair? Pff, I knew I had a thing for unique things but still. Personality...? Looks? I don't know. But every time I'm with him, I feel comfortable, safe... like I can trust him with even my heart.

I blushed, slapping both of my cheeks as an attempt to shake off the butterflies in my stomach. "NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!" I threw myself to my bed, screaming on my pillow. "Damn you, Uchiha...!" my ears perked up at the sound of the door closing. I glanced at my wall clock; it's been twenty minutes since I left them alone. Was I that invested in my thoughts to not notice the amount of time that passed? I gathered up my courage and straightened up my clothes. "Sasuke? Kasumi?"

No answer.

I frowned. They left without even turning the lights off? With a sigh, I made my way downstairs. "Hey sis." I jumped, "Kasumi?!" my head whipped to her direction. She sat on the couch, looking at me sternly. "Really, Kas? You almost gave me a heart attack."

She merely chuckled at my reaction. "Where's Sasuke?"

"He left. He had to attend some family matters," she approached me. "Since we're giving each other nicknames now, why don't I call you..." she trailed off as I went to pour myself some water.

"Thief btch." my eyes narrowed at her. "Excuse me?" I felt my heart drop. We just fixed things between us, what's with her? "You heard me." Kasumi stood in front of me in an intimidating way.

"What's the matter with you? Take some chill pill and go home. I'm going to bed." I shrugged her off, hoping she's just on her period and an effect of her break up with Leo. "I'm not done talking to you." Kasumi abruptly grabbed my arm, causing me to drop my glass of water. It shattered on the ground; some grazed my bare feet while Kasumi had sneakers on that protected her skin.

"What are you doing?!" I pulled my arm from her, yet she dug her nails into my skin. I grimaced, "Just telling you to stay away from my beloved." there was something about her eyes that chilled my spine. "The fck is wrong with you?! Let go of me!" she smirked as I kept pulling and soon enough, she released her grip. Out of shock, I managed to catch myself with the help of a nearby counter. It was a good thing I didn't step on any glass.

"You could've injured me further!" I glared at her, feeling some pain on my feet. I'm guessing some glass did cut my feet earlier. "That would've been better. Seeing you in pain is always a pleasure. Even more so now." confused, I looked at her in disbelief upon realization."You fcking tricked me again?! I should've known you're beyond redemption!" I was mad at her, but I also blamed myself for believing we could really have a chance.

"Gullible as always. I thought you were more of a challenge than this if I were to be honest. Sadly, I overestimated you." Kasumi walked towards my door. "Mark my words, (Name). Stay away from Sasuke." I gritted my teeth as the painful memory of her leaving me all alone flashed through my brain. "You never came back for me nor Dad, did you?"

So This Is What They Call Love (Modern!Sasuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now