13. 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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21 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 2021

Elena was putting the final touches to her outfit as she got ready for her date with Lando.
He'd told her to dress casual as their date would very relaxed.

She was currently staying at his house as he'd insisted, claiming that booking a hotel room would be an unnecessary cost if she was going to be spending most of her time at his place anyway. For the first night when they returned from Italy they'd planned to sleep in different rooms but after his stream Lando had snuck into her bed claiming his room was too cold and he needed celebration cuddles. After that she just gave up and spent her nights with him in his bed.

"Babe are you done? Cause we need to go soon or else we'll be stuck in traffic."
The brit was slightly nervous as this was his first date with the girl of his dreams.
He slowly stuck his head into the room to see what she was doing. He almost fell over when he saw her outfit. She was wearing a cropped strapless top under a set of denim dungarees. She'd tied her curly hair into a low messy bun.

"I swear I'm the luckiest man alive. I get to do my dream job for a living and I have an extremely talented and gorgeous girlfriend by my side."
Elena giggled as she looked at her boyfriend through the mirror, his awe struck face was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"Come on you dork. Like you said, we don't want to get stuck in traffic now do we? " She said as she pulled his arm as she led him downstairs and headed out to the car.

Before she could reach for the car door Lando pulled her arm, turning her around so she would face him and consequently trapping her between himself and the car. His eyes had become visibly darker as he'd been shamefully aroused by the sight of Elena walking in front of him.

"Can I get a kiss, some besos?"
The girl giggled as she kissed him.

In the few days that they'd been officially dating, the driver had shown his more affectionate side, which included a lot of touching. He always felt the need to hold her hand or her waist if she was standing near by. If they were sitting then he would always have his hand on her thigh, occasionally rubbing circles on it. He'd also shown that he was the clingier one, often following her around the house or laying on her while she'd work on her laptop.

She snapped out of her lust filled daze as his lips wandered down her neck, knowing that both of them had little to no restraint when things got hot and heavy.

"Uh uh. No. You, Mr Lando Norris are going to take me out on a date and then maybe I'll let you take me to bed. Ok?"
She tapped his chest as she spoke. The dark haired boy nodded with a small smile.
Like a gentleman he gently pulled her to the side so he could open the door and made sure that she was comfortable before closing it. All these small mannerisms, despite being the bare minimum, made her fall more and more in love with him.

After 30 minutes of driving to the edge of town, specifically towards the field where the couple had their make up moment a few months before.

Elena turned down the volume in the car as she looked to Lando in shock.

"No ways. A carnival. This is soo beautiful. Look at the ferris wheel, we have to go on that."

"Of course we'll go on it. Imagine my luck when I found out that there was a carnival coming to town and I remembered that your favorite thing to do when you travel to NYC is to go to the carnival. And isn't it funny how it's at our field."

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