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"Ok so you guys have to be super quiet or else your mother will kill me."

"Daddy die?"
Adeya asked, her sweet voice slightly raspy from just waking up.

Her words made her younger brother's eyes widen and fill with tears. Noticing this Lando quickly brought his kids into his arms, trying to calm them down before they could cry and wake up their mother.

"No no no no. I was just kidding. Hey. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, if I did your mother would drag me back here by the ear and kick my ass."

"Bad word daddy."
Dylan gasped.

Lando couldn't help but fondly roll his eyes as his son called him out for his language.

"I know, remind me to put in 100 quid in the jar, if I'm right that will cover last night's swear tally."
He replied with a secretive grin. He honestly loved his wife but when she was pregnant it brought out a whole new side of him, meaning he became so much more affection and attentive to her needs. All of her needs.

"Now come on, I'm pretty sure that we can open your gifts in the stocking and rewrap them before anyone wakes up."
The children had woken him up at 6 am, and in their three year old vocabulary had asked to see if Santa had been round to their house.

Picking up his two kids the driver silently crept down the stairs, silently thanking his wife for switching on the heating before they went to bed.
The Norris holiday house was nestled in rolling hills of Spa, Belgium. The snow storm two nights ago had covered the area in a thick blanket of snow and the temperature showed no signs of getting any warmer. The drivers creeping stopped once he reached the living room, where the Christmas tree stood tall, covered in decorations, including handmade baubles with all the family members handprints and names.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? What the heck are you doing?"

Lando and Oliver spoke simultaneously as they each held their respective children in their arms. It seems that the younger Norris children had the same idea of waking up their equally mischievous dads.

"Well I can tell you both that you are in big trouble. All of you."
The five people in the living room slowly turned around to find the head of the family, Adam, staring at them with a raised eyebrow.

"Hi dad."
Both of his sons replied with bright smiles. Honestly they'd both rather deal with their father than with their pregnant wives or loud sisters.

"You boys are still doing this? And how many times do I have to tell you to watch out -"

"For the third step before the landing, we know."

It was no secret that the Norris kids would often sneak out of their rooms, whether to grab a midnight snack or to check if Santa had brought their gifts, so Adam had told his children to watch out for the creaky third step as it always got them caught. Out of his four children, only his daughters seemed to have used this to their advantage.

"Sure you do. Now who's opening their presents first."
The small group cheered at the older man's words.

But their joy was short lived as a loud cough rang through the room. Slowly they turned around to find Elena and Savanah glaring at them with their arms folded above their protruding bellies. And not even a second later Cisca's voice was heard throughout the house.

Everyone in the room snickered at the frightened look on his face.

Giggling was heard as Flo and the younger Cisca entered the room.

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