Chapter One

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Me and Seven sneak onto the ship that arrived at the place we're at. We hide behind some boxes as the things that were eating get on board. We stay hidden as a loud ship horn blows and the ship leaves. I look over the side of the ship and see my reflection in the water. My face is hidden by the shadow of my raincoat hood. I put down my hood and see my face. My skin is dirty from everything I've been through, my hair is dark so any dirt in it is hidden, and my eyes are hidden by my hair. Seven joins me at looking down at the water. I turn to him and I see that spark still in his eyes. It's like it brought him back to life. He became more brave, more open, more himself instead of the autopilot he was on before. "Are you sure you're ready for the Pale City? The city, it's dangerous, scary." Seven laughs. "Six, I've been stuck in the prison for a long time. I've been trying to escape for a long time. I finally managed to make it down to the flooded part of that place.
"In the flooded part I had to swim to get around. And while swimming something chased me. I finally got to see what it was before I killed it. It was a lady, but she wasn't like the lady we fought. She could breathe underwater, she was dead set on catching me. Luckily I got away, but then the Janitor caught me." I know the rest of the story. "So, you've been escaping from monsters your whole life?" He nods. I look up at the sky and see it's turning from a bright blue to a pink. I yawn and sit down leaning my head against the back of the box. Seven sits next to me and I lean my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I see Mono, he's laying on the floor of the Signal Tower. I go over to him and see the blood around his head. "No. Mono!" Tears slip out of eyes. "You did this to me." His voice echoes around me. I continue crying, I dropped him, I killed him.

"Six!" I wake up with Seven shaking me. I have tears on my cheeks. "You were crying in your sleep, are you okay?" He asks. I nod and wipe the tears off of my face. I stand up and look up at the sky. Instead of a blue sky I see clouds, we must be close to the city.
After some time I see us passing the city. Me and Seven find a peice of wood and carry it over to the side of the boat, we balance it on the edge of the side. "Get on, I'll push it over and jump down." I nod and climb onto the piece of the wood. Seven pushes it over and I hear a scream behind me. I turn to see Seven running away from one of those fat things. "SEVEN!" He jumps over the side and drops into the water. My raft is bobbing on the water slowly drifting away from the boat and towards the Pale City. I wait to see Seven but I don't, I'm afraid the sea took him. Suddenly his head pops up from the water in front of me. "A hand?" He asks. I reach out and help him up. His hair is wet and hanging down covering most of his face. His clothes are soaked as well.
He rings out the bottom of his blue hoodie and shakes his head like a dog. He hits me with water. "Hey." I say playfully. He just smiles and shakes more. I laugh and so does he. We sit down and the the waves carry us to the Pale City. I wish the city wasn't always covered in clouds. Soon we get washed up on a small patch of beach. We leave our little raft behind and walk forward into the city. It's dark. We sneak into a building through a hole in the floor. Seven turns on his flashlight and we walk through the dilapidated building. We walk through a partially open door and I see mannequins with half finished clothes on them. I hear a snipping sound and Seven turns off his flashlight.
We sneak forward and I see a thing using scissors to cut some cloth. The thing has a skin colored body, brown things where the joints should be,and metal poles for legs. It's grotesque. It turns to put some cloth on a mannequin and I see it's eyes. It's eyelids are sewn open, it's eyes are bloodshot from lack of water. The thing turns back around and we sneak by it into a vent. I turn to Seven and see he's as scared as me. We crawl through the vent and come out into a room with mirrors. The mirrors are for looking at the clothes that this thing makes. We sneak forward and suddenly a door opens behind us. I hear a cracking sound and I look over my shoulder to see the thing tear off it's own arm and sit it on the floor. The arm comes to life and chases after us.
It reminds me of the hands in the Hospital with the Doctor. Me and Seven run from the arm as it crawls after us. We slide through a hole in the wall and continue running. The arm gets stuck in the hole and I see some boxes of cloth we can hide in. We climb up the boxes and hide under some cloth. The arm pulls itself out of the hole and looks for us. When it can't find us it crawls away. We crawl out of the box and jump down onto the floor. We sneak forward and I see the arm looking around some boxes for us. We sneak by it and into the next room. I see the mannequin guy using his one arm to put some cloth on a table while his arm that's detached crawls in carrying some cloth. It crawls up onto the table and sits the cloth down beside the other cloth. How are we supposed to defeat something that can detach it's own arm and use it to chase us?

Ahhh! Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got into some emotional shit, don't worry I'll be fine, hope you like this chapter!

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