Chapter Fourteen

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Seven POV

  I hold Buddy close my chest and try to turn so I'll take the brunt of the fall. I land on soft cloth. That's surprising. I stand up and look around still holding Buddy to my chest. I look up and see the vent is close enough that if I need to I can go back. I start walking when I hear something that makes my heart stop. I squeeze Buddy as I hear a low growl coming from the darkness.


  Maybe Mono wasn't the sweet guy I thought he was. Maybe he was just using me. Maybe he never loved me. I trip and fall down onto the cold dirty floor. I lay there crying. "Six?" I open my teary eyes to see someone standing in front of me. "Go away Mono." I mumble. He crouches down next to me and wipes my tears away. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling, I don't know what came over me." I sit up and he pulls me close to him. "I really am sorry." He whispers into my ear. I wipe away the tears and look at him. "Really?" He nods and kisses me on the cheek.
  We sit like that for a minute before I hear a terrified scream.

Seven POV

  I slow walk forward so as not to make sound. Buddy wiggles in my arms but I don't let him go. The growl gets louder and before I can react I feel a sharp pain in my arm. I scream and drop Buddy as I see the mouth of the monster is on my arm. Buddy stands on the ground before picking up a pebble and throwing it at the muzzle of the creature. It does nothing. "Buddy, just go." I say through clenched teeth. He chatters at me. "Just go!" I can still move my hand so I feel around in the mouth until I grab a tooth.
  With all the strength I have I pull at the tooth. I hear a yelp and the things let's go of my arm. I see I'm holding the tooth of the monster. I quickly turn and run with Buddy on my heels. I hear another growl and I know we'll be chased soon. We reach the vent and I use my one good arm to shove Buddy into the vent. I try to pull myself up and into the vent with my one arm but I can't. I use my other arm and scream again as it burns with pain. I pull myself into the vent and sit with my back to the vent wall.
  I take off my now ruined jacket and look at my arm. It has a teeth marks but that's it. I groan with pain and lay my head back closing my eyes. Maybe a rest will help me.

Mono POV

  We run towards where the scream came from. I hear another scream and I wish I didn't leave Seven here. We find a slightly open door and walk through it. I hear a splashing sound and look down. There's something splattered all over my boot. I turn to look at Six. She stares at the floor and shudders. "Mono, we need to move. Now!" I don't ask why as she pushes me forward running. We run forward and I hear a screech. I see a vent and a box next to it. "Get in the vent." She runs into the vent and I pull the box over. I crawl backwards into the vent covering the opening with the box. I breath a sigh of relief and look back at Six. It's hard to see her with practically no light in the vent. I hear a shuffling noise and a small glow lights the vent.
  Six is holding her lighter in here hand. "You've had that all this time?" She nods. I hear a chattering sound and Six turns her head. "That's a nome, Seven must be close." Is that what his little friend was? A nome? Six turns and crawls forward in the vent. I follow her and she stops. "Oh my god!" I squeeze past her and see Seven leaning against the vent wall. His eyes are closed and it looks as if he's not moving. His arm is cradled in his lap and it's not doing well. I see his friend the nome next to him shaking his shoulder chattering.
  Six goes over and shakes Seven herself. He doesn't move or utter a word. "Take the nome." I say softly. She pulls the nome to her chest and backs away down the vent. I go over to Seven and inspect him. His arm has bleed on the floor of the vent, a lot. "Seven, I swear to god if you die now I will find a way to bring you back so Six can kill you because you died on her." I mutter. I press my fingers against his uninjured arm and feel for a pulse. It's faint but there. I wrap my arms around his chest and drag him through the vent. As I near Six I smile at her. "He's still alive." She breaths a sign of relief and the nome stops struggling in her grasp and relaxes.
  We crawl forward and I lay Seven down to push the box out of the way. I pick him back up and when I crawl out of the vent I throw him over my shoulder. I hear a soft groan come from him and sigh at confirmation he's alive. Six carries the nome as it chatters to Seven. She smiles at me. "I'm glad we came back." Her face turns back to blank. "He could've died in that vent." I shake my head. "He won't, and I'm glad we came here to bring him back." I'm in a better mood. Maybe those tvs with Six's music box have a bad influence on me. And we have to go through them on more time. We reach the tv and Six's music fills my ears. Six grabs onto my arm as I press it against the tv. The tv relents against four people going through.
  I grit my teeth and push against the tv. The tv holds strong. I push with every fiber of will in my body and we warp through. Rather painfully.

Your tv clicks on.

A picture of Six's music box is on screen playing her music.

It fills your room with the melody before the screen glitches and a small figure appears on screen in front of the music box. The figure is completely black.

  My God. That was hard. I understand why Mono gets upset. Anyways hello my friends. Yes I have returned. I came to say that I love this book and all supporters of this book get a shoutout at the end. The supporters are people who vote for every chapter and have been here since the beginning. Honestly I probably wouldn't of finished the first book without all the support. Also you don't have to go back and vote for every chapter. I will shoutout to all the readers. Something like. "And a huge thanks to all the people who have read this book and supported it in that way" or something like that. Also this may get long but hang in there.
  Honestly, my life has been crap lately. I mean, I lost my boyfriend, got manipulated by someone who I thought was a friend. Luckily my ex started talking to me again so yay! I explained to him and I think he forgives me some. Anyways, I know I shouldn't post stuff like that in a LN book but I wanted to explain for the longer periods of time between updates. Anyways, I hope to update more and see all your lovely reads. Anyways I better go before the dumb tv influences me in a bad way, I hope you have a good day/night!

Tv clicks off and a small note of music drifts around your room before disappearing as well.

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