Chapter Ten

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Seven POV

  I wake up and I feel cold. Looking outside I see it's snowing. I look around for Six but I don't see her anywhere. "Six?" I call. "SIX?!" I call again. No answer. I walk outside into the cold snow. Maybe she went outside for a while. "SIX!" I call. "SIX THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I am getting upset with her. I don't want her hurt or worse. "SIX?" I call out tears streaming down my face. The wind takes away my tears as they fall. Six would've answered by now if she could.

Mono POV

  I run over to the piece of yellow and start digging in the snow. "Six?" I say tears streaming down my face as I dig. Eventually I find more yellow, then pale skin, and her face, oh god her face. It's so peaceful and beautiful. I feel her cheeks and I still warmth in them. "Maybe." I murmur as I pick her up. She's so small and light. It scares me. I walk around until I hear something, yelling. I walk towards it and I can make out the words. "SIX THIS ISN'T FUNNY ANYMORE!" It sounds like Seven. Maybe he was the kid I saw with her on the raft.
  After a few seconds I hear a heartbroken call. "SIX?" I run towards where his yelling is originating from and I find him. He's on his knees in the snow, his face is in his hands and his shoulders are shaking with sobs. "Seven." He looks up at me with tears running down his face. "Mono?" He sees Six in my arms. "Oh thank god you found her. But. Why is she limp? Oh God is she-" "No, I don't think so. She's still warm." We go into a building and I lay Six down on the floor.
  I put my brown coat around her and lay next to her wrapping my arms around her. I try to warm her up. I don't, no, I can't lose her. Seven sits next to us and hugs Six. We warm her with our body heat and eventually I see her eyelids flutter. She looks at me through half closed eyes. "Mo- no?" She asks. "Yes it's me Six." I say running my hand over her cheek. She smiles and pulls herself closer to me.
  "So...cold." she says. My arms tighten around her. "I know. And I'm keeping you warm." Seven stands and walks away. I go to ask him where he's going but he lays down a few feet away. I hold Six in my arms and I kiss her cold forehead before drifting off to sleep.

  I wake up and I see Six is still asleep. I move some of her hair and she opens her eyes slowly. "Mm. Mono? Is that really you?" I nod. "In the flesh." She smiles again. "I didn't think I'd find you." She says. "Same." I rub her back slowly. Eventually she stands up my coat still warmed around her and she looks out at the snow. The sun is shining off of it making it sparkle. "It's so pretty." She mumbles. "Yeah." I say walking over to her.
  I put my arm around her shoulders and Seven joins us. "It is pretty." He almost whispers. We look at the snow for a while before I scoop up Six into my arms. "Hey!" She says playfully. I smile at her and spin around. She giggles and I stop spinning putting her down. She pulls me close into a hug and I kiss the top of her head. "You're beautiful." I murmur against her hair. "Thanks, you're cute." I blush slightly. "Thanks." I remember something I got her.
  "Hey, can I have my coat really quick?" She gives me a puzzled look but takes off my coat. I search through the pockets before I find it. "Aha!" Before I pull it out I give her a pointed look. "Close your eyes." She happily does and I pull out the shirt I picked her up. I unfold it and hold it out in front of me. "Ok, you can open them." Her eyes fly open and when she sees the shirt she almost squeals with joy. "Oooo! It's so pretty!" "Well it's for you."
  She takes it out of my hands. "Thanks! Um. Could you?" I turn around and walk over to Seven giving her privacy. He looks at me. "You know, that was very kind of you." I shrug. "I love her, so I wanted to give her something nice. Besides, her blue cotton dress she has is covered with sludge." Seven smiles. "I'm glad you love her, because I know she loves you." "Mono." I hear her say. I turn around and my jaw drops open. She's even more beautiful. The shirt comes down to her knees and and the sleeves come down past her hands.

 The shirt comes down to her knees and and the sleeves come down past her hands

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  The shirt is big on her but she doesn't care. "I LOVE IT!" She practically screams. I smile at her and walk over to her. She looks really good. "You're beautiful." I say. I place a hand on each side of her face and lean down. Before I can rethink it I quickly kiss her. I back away my face red. She's standing there looking as red as I feel and she brings a hand up to her lips.
  I feel really stupid right now. "FINALLY!" I turn and see Seven with his hands in the air. "I was waiting for you two idoits to finally kiss!" I can't help it but a smile spreads across my face. I hear Six giggle and she walks over to me placing a hand around my waist. "What if we were waiting just to annoy you?" "You wouldn't do that." I put my arm around Six's shoulders and smirk. "You wouldn't do that, would you?"
  We don't answer him. "Would you?!" We just walk away from him. "SIX! MONO! GET BACK HERE!" He yells after us. I pick up Six's raincoat and her cotton dress. I shove them into my pockets before scooping her up bridal style and running away from Seven. We laugh as I run. When we're far enough away I put Six down in the snow and put my brown coat around her. "That was hilarious." I say. She smiles and nods. "Yeah, he's kinda mad though." I shrug. "So, it's funny." We stand there in the snow laughing for awhile.

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