Chapter Seven

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  We fall out of the tv together and I hold Six close so she doesn't get hurt. I stand up and carry her over to the couch and lay her down. I put my coat over her like a cover and kiss her forehead. I take her raincoat and hang it on the handle of the door. I find the picture in her pocket and see it's partially damaged but not too much. I also find a lighter and my paper bag. I remember she stole it when we were playfully fighting in the X-ray room of the hospital.
  I hang up the picture on a wall, I take my paper bag and sit it on the kitchen counter, and I take her lighter and sit it down on the arm of the chair in the living room. I then go over to the window looking out it. I'm glad Six is okay but what happened to Seven? "M-mono?" I turn my head and see Six standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She has my coat on her and she looks super cute. I hop down from the window sill and go over to her. "Are you okay?" I ask while cupping her cheek in my hand. She smiles. "Yeah I'm fine." Suddenly her eyes go dark.
  "Seven! Oh God, oh God! I lost him when our raft capsized!" Tears form in her eyes and spill down her cheeks. "It's ok Six, I'm sure he's fine." I murmur as I wipe her tears away. "But what if the sea swept him away?" She chokes between sobs. "He's a strong swimmer, I'm sure he's ok." I pull her into a hug and let her cry into my chest. I have to comfort her when even I worry. Is he really okay?

Seven POV

  I feel something warm on my skin. There's a light shining on me, I can see it through my eyelids. I open my eyes and cough up water. There's soft warm sand beneath me. I look around and see the sun in the beautiful blue sky. I remember drifting away from the Pale City with Six, after Mono was chased by that thing. A bad storm hit, our raft capsized, Six screaming my name before I get swept under a wave.
  Then I remember nothing. I reach into my hoodie pocket and pull out my flashlight. Flicking the switch it turns on. I turn it off and shove it back into my pocket. I turn and see I'm in a town. I wall forward with the sun shining on me, warming me and making me feel safe. As I walk forward I don't see any signs of monsters but that doesn't prove anything.
  I continue forward peeking around the edge of a building and seeing nothing. I breathe a sigh of relief and start to wander around. I find myself in front of a shop selling clothes. I wander in through a hole in the wall and turn on my flashlight. I look around and find a small black jacket. After trying it on I deside it looks good on me and keep it.

 After trying it on I deside it looks good on me and keep it

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  I continue wandering around until I get bored of browsing. I leave the shop and see the sun is close to setting, I find a small pillow outside and curl up on it like a dog. I use my new jacket as a cover and sleep.

Mono POV

  Soon Six stops crying and I take her over to the armchair making her sit down. I go back over to fridge opening it back up and finding something for Six to eat. I carry a piece of cheese and a small piece of meat over to her. "Here, you need to eat." She takes it and thanks me before eating it gratefully. I crawl up and sit next to her. Once she's done eating she leans on me and I put my arm around her. "I miss Seven."
  "Yeah, he saw you as a sister, he loved you like family." I say to her. She nods. "Yeah, he's like a brother to me." I'm glad that they see each other as family, that would be weird if one of them liked the other. I pull her onto my lap and kiss the top of her head. She lays her head against my chest and I rest my head on top of hers. "You look cute in my coat."
  I hear her giggle. "I like wearing it, it's comfortable." I smile. Eventually she falls asleep and I close my eyes as well. The pattering of the rain drifting me off to sleep.

  "Mono?" I wake up to Six saying my name. "What? What is it Six?" I open my eyes to see her right in my face. "Um, I'm worried about Seven, is it possible we can go out and search for him?" I sigh, I want to help her. "Six, even if we search for him we may not find him, he could've washed up anywhere, and, I know this will hurt. But, he may be dead."

  I see here tear up and I wish I could take back what I just said. I cup her cheek and kiss the other one. "Sorry Six, I shouldn't of said that. He's probably fine." She looks at me with those tear filled eye and my heart breaks. "Okay Six, we'll look for him." She instantly brightens and I smile.

  Making her happy is all that matters. I grab her raincoat, my paper bag, the picture, and her lighter. I shove all of them into her pockets and give her the raincoat. "Can I have my coat back? I know you like it but this-" I gesture to her raincoat. "-won't fit me." She giggles and takes off my coat handing it to me.

  I give her the raincoat and pull on my coat. "Stay here, I'll be right back." I warp through the tv and land in the hardware store. I grab some boards and warp back through the tv. "Ready?" She grabs my arm and I warp back through the tv to the beach. When we get there I nail the boards together and make another raft. I have Six climb on it as I push it into the water. I climb onto it next to her and we drift away from the city together.

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