Chapter Three

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  I walk down a long hallway bathed in blue light. It's taking forever for me to reach the door, I know Mono is behind it though, that thought pushes me forward. I make it to the door and stand there ready to face whatever horrible scene awaits me. I jump up and grab the handle opening the door. I see Mono sitting in a chair and he looks so lonely. "Hi Mono."

Mono POV

  I'm sitting in my chair. It's been a while since Six dropped me. I still love her though. I could never stop loving her. I hang my head and close my eyes. After a few minutes I hear something that can't be true. "Hi Mono." I look up and to my disbelief I see Six standing there in her raincoat. "S-six?" She nods and pushes down her hood. I can see part of her dirty face and her hair that hides her eyes. I jump down from my chair and race over to her.
  I envelop her in a hug and smile my biggest smile. "Oh Six, I thought I lost you!" "I thought I lost you too." We continue hugging until I let go of her to look her in the eyes. "Why'd you come back, you-" I almost tell her she never comes back but I cut myself off. No use in telling her about the loop. "I came back to tell you something." "What is it?" I belive I know but I need to make sure. "I-" "SIX!" I look at the hallway she entered through and see a boy wearing a blue hoodie with a shackle on his ankle running towards us.
  Six turns around right as the boy runs up and hugs her. "Oh hi Seven." She pushes him away lightly and turns back to me. "Mono this is Seven, Seven this is the friend I was telling you about, Mono." I wave at him even though I'm upset with him interrupting me and Six's conversation. "Six, you ran off while I was sleeping, I was worried about you. I had to run from monsters to get here. Why'd you run off?" "To see if Mono was okay, he is and I'm glad. We can leave this city together." She smiles at me and I smile back. I'd do anything to get away from the Tower. I grab her hand and we start walking out of the Tower with Seven following us.
  As we step out into the streets of the Pale City I feel the familiar rain pelt me. Seven pulls up the hood of his hoodie while Six pulls up her hood of her raincoat. We walk past Watchers who are staring at tvs. The ones who aren't I quickly find a tv and turn it one so they don't bother us. "Mono, how are you turning on the tvs?" Asks Seven. "I have powers, I got them from the Thin Man when I fought him." I explain. "You mean the guy that dragged me into a tv?" Asks Six. I look down at her slightly because of our height difference. "It's ok Six, he's gone, he can't hurt you." She smiles at me and I return it.
  We continue walking through the Pale City until we come to a gap in the streets, it's too big to jump. I see a tv across the gap and I turn it on. I do the same with a nearby tv and walk over to it. "Six wrap your arms around my waist." She nods and does what I say. "WAIT! What about me?" Asks Seven. "Um, grab onto one of my arms and hold on okay?" He does and I put my hands against the tv. We all warp through it and fall out of the other tv breaking it.
  It was exhausting warping three people through a tv. I sit up and see Six still has her hands wrapped around my waist. She's holding on so tight my legs are going numb. "Six, it's ok, we made it." She looks at me and smiles. "That was kinda fun." I laugh and stand up. I grab her hand and help her up. Seven stands up and looks at us sadly. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah, just, shaken from my first trip through a tv." I nod. "Yeah, my first time it was weird too."
  I actually can't remember my very first trip through a tv, it's been so long, but I belive that I was shaken up too. We continue through the city until we reach a beach. "Where to now?" I ask. Six shakes her head. "I only thought of coming to see you." I think about this. "Maybe we should stay in the city for a while until we think of a place to go." She nods and we go back into the city looking around for a suitable place to stay. Preferably not falling down and vacant of monsters.
  We coma across a familiar bus stop with the clothes waiting for a bus that will never come. "Oh wait! I think I have a place!" We go into the building nearby and walk up the steps. We see that poor Watcher still hanging there but my real interest is the room next to it. We walk into the next room and see the hole in the ceiling with rain pouring in, easy fix. We walk into the next room with a couch and a broken tv. With the Watcher still inside of it. "Ok, we can get rid of this guy, remove the tv and maybe bring a new one, get rid of the creepy pictures on the walls, and fix the hole in the roof in the next room." I suggest.
  Six goes over to the couch and tests it. "Yeah this seems comfortable." We all get together and pick up the Watcher shoving him out the window and down into the streets below. We also get rid of the broken tv. Me and Six work together to get rid of the creepy pictures, chucking them out of the window as well. We all settle down on the couch for a quick nap. I have Six next to me and Seven is at the other end of the couch curled up.
  "Good night Six." I murmur as I wrap an arm around her. "Good night Mono."

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