Chapter Two

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  We sneak behind the monster as it starts to sew the pieces of cloth together. Surely we'll be fine, surely this thing can't hear us, it has no ears. We hide behind some boxes and I hope we can get out of here soon. I hear a tapping sound and look around the box to see the arm crawling around. We sneak behind some more boxes, and keep out of sight of the arm and thing. We sneak through a hole in the wall into a room with multiple sewing machines. We hide under a table holding a sewing machine as the thing walks into the room with its arm thankfully attached.
  We hide under another table as the thing sees. We hide under tables after we move forward until we reach the other side of the room. There's no hole in the wall and the door requires a boost to open it. "Ok, Seven you  boost me up and if the thing sees us run." He nods and we go over to the door. Seven boosts me up and I hear the sewing machine cut off. I look over my shoulder to see the thing rushing towards us on those stick legs. "RUN!" Me and Seven run past mannequins with cloth on them. We run through an open doorway and into a shop like area.
  We run forward and jump out a broken window. We run in the streets until we think we're safe. I feel the rain pelting my raincoat. "That was scary, what was that thing?" I ask Seven. "I don't know, it kinda acted like a tailor." I nod. "And it looked like a creepy mannequin." We walk through the streets occasionally passing a creepy monster watching a static filled tv. We walk past a bunch of tvs and I remember my trip through one, it hurt. My body isn't made for traveling through tvs. We continue forward and come to a huge gap in the road.
  I point to a building and we crawl through a window into the building. Everything is broken or pushed against a wall sideways. We walk up some stairs and crawl through a window and jump down onto an overfilled dumpster. We continue forward and I hear a weird growling sound. I look around and see one of those tv obsessed monsters. It's clawing at a tv that's turned off. Suddenly it looks at us. "Oh no, RUN!" We run away from the monster as it chases after us. We duck into an alley and hide in a mouse hole.
  The thing looks around before stumbling away. We sneak out of the mouse hole and sneak away from the monster. The rain is soaking Seven. "Are you okay?" He nods and pulls up his hood on his hoodie. He seems detached. "If you want to leave you can, I won't stop you." He shakes his head. "It's nothing you did, it's just, you don't even know if your friend is alive. So why are we looking for him?"  "Because I need to know." He nods and we continue walking. I see the Signal Tower close by and I walk towards it.
  We sit down under a porch roof and I want to continue towards the Signal Tower. But Seven insists we need a rest. I lay down and curl up ready to sleep.


  I open my eyes after hearing someone call my name. "Hello?" I look at Seven and see he's asleep.


  I look at the Signal Tower and it sounds as if that's what's calling my name.


  I stumble forward out into the rain and walk towards the Signal Tower. I need to go there now.


I follow the call of my name.


I need to see if Mono is alive.


I have to listen.


I can't ignore it.


  I stumble and trip behind a monster that's watching tv. Suddenly the tv clicks off. The monster turns around and growls at me. I get up and run. I run and past a tv that's on, I think it'll distract the monster but it clicks off as I near it. "What?!" I continue running and as I pass tvs they click off. More monsters start to chase me.


  I follow the call while running from the monsters. I need to make it to the Signsl Tower. I need to.


  I jump a gap and continue running as the monsters chase after me. More tvs click off as I race past them. There's less and less as I near the Tower. Suddenly the monsters just stop chasing me. And I arrive at the from of the Tower.




  The call is louder here. I walk towards the Tower ready to face what's inside. The doors open spilling purple light on me. I walk up the step and walk inside.

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