Chapter Five

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  I wake up and I feel Six's arms wrapped around my waist. I gently take her arm of and go to get off the couch when I roll off of it onto the floor. "Ow." I mutter as I stand up. I look around and feel like this is a good place to stay, temporarily right? Just temporarily. I have to keep lying to Six and Seven. I want to stay here. As much as I hate that Signal Tower, I feel like we made a good home here. I sigh and sit down. Hopefully Six doesn't think of a place to go, I don't want to leave.
  "Mono?" I turn my head and see Seven is up. He hops down from the couch and sits in front of me. "I wanted to talk to you, without Six." I nod. "I see Six as a sister, and I know she likes you. You like her too. Just, don't hurt her, she's been through quite alot." I nod. "I would never hurt her on purpose." He smiles. "That's good." "Mono? Seven?" We both turn to see Six waking up. I get up and go help her down from the couch. "Mono, I thought of a place to go!" I force myself to smile. "Really?" "Yeah! I want to travel! See this world, with you and Seven!"
  "That's... a great idea!" I force happiness into my voice, I don't want to disappoint her. She smiles and claps her hands. "All we need is a raft, or a boat!" I remember that hardware store I went to. "I'll go get the boards." I say. She nods and I go over to the tv in the next room. Before I warp through it I do something I haven't done in a long time. I salute her. She smiles and I warp through the tv. I jump out 9f the tv and I feel sad. I have to leave the city soon. I find some boards and thankfully I don't run into the monster in this place. I warp back to the one place that could be called home and set down the boards.
  "Ok, before we leave we need to take this." I say before taking the picture off the wall. I see Six in the other room dragging the cover off of the couch we used as a bed. "Can we take this?" I smile and put the picture in one of my pockets before going over and helping her fold it. She picks it up and carries it. I ask Seven to help me with the boards and I look around sadly. I'll miss this home. We carry the boards outside and into the rain. I forgot it was raining because of all the warping I've done to get around. We walk through the streets until we come to a gap.
  I tell Seven to put down his end of the boards and I find a tv on our side of the gap. After turning it on I turn one on the other side on and warp through with the boards. I then put the boards down and warp back through. "Take a arm." I say. They both take one of my arms and we warp through together. We still break the tv but it's less exhausting. The tvs can't handle more then two people at a time. Me and Seven pick up the boards while Six still carries the cover.
  We eventually make it to the beach and me and Seven put the boards down near the waterline. We quickly put the boards in a raft shape and I nail them together with the nails and hammer I still had in my coat pocket. I take the picture of us out of my coat pocket and hand it to Six. "What am I going to do with this?" She asks. "Just carry it, I don't want to ruin it by accidentally putting the hammer in the same pocket." She nods and puts it in a pocket of her coat.
  She puts the cover on the raft, and sits on the raft herself and me and Seven push the raft into the water. Seven climbs on and before I can I hear a familiar growling sound behind me. "Don't worry Six." I say before taking of running down the beach. As I look over my shoulder I see a Watcher stumbling after me. I also see Six standing on the raft watching me run away from her, from the one person I love. I see a tv up ahead and I turn it on before warping through it.


  I watch Mono warp through the tv escaping from the monster. But I lost him all the same. He's still stuck in the city. I came here to save him and now I'm leaving him behind. I pull out the picture he gave me. We all look so happy in it. Mono has his arm around me in the picture. I wish that was happening right now. If I knew leaving the city would lead to me losing Mono, i wouldn't of wanted to leave.
  I feel a tear escape my eye and I put the picture back in my pocket trying to not worry about Mono. I may of lost him but he'll find me, he found me in that Tower, he'll find me now. I watch as we drift away from the city. Hoping against hope that somehow Mono will appear on the raft. Eventually we drift out of sight of the city and I know Mono won't magically appear on the raft. I don't even know what happened to him. I saw him warp through the tv on the beach but he could've ended up in a apartment full of monsters.
  He could've warped away from danger only to find his death. I feel like it's my fault if he died. Because I'm the one that wanted to leave.

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