Chapter Thirteen

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  I can't believe Seven. He must be wrong, maybe he's jealous of all the time I'm spending with Mono. Maybe he's trying to make me suspicious of Mono so I can betray him, again. I won't betray Mono again. Never. I reach for the power button on the tv. "Sorry Seven, I don't belive you." I turn it off before he can say another word. I turn and walk out of the room and go over laying next to Mono and grabbing his hand. He opens his eyes. "Six? What are you doing up?" "Had to go to the bathroom." I lie. He nods and closes his eyes again. I close my own eyes drifting to sleep.

Mono POV

  I know what Six was doing up, I watched her from the door. I'm proud of her. She gave up on Seven herself. It would've been hard to convince her if she didn't do it herself. I smile and pull her closer. Seven doesn't deserve to be here, he's the one who fell victim to the trap set up, he seemed overly protective of Six, and yet he let her wander off towards the Tower alone. I know why she wandered off towards the Tower, I was watching, waiting, and when I saw the first glimpse of her raincoat I started using my powers.
  I called out to her. I knew she would come to me soon. And when she said my name when she entered the Tower I knew my called worked. She's perfect. She never gives up. Even when the odds are stacked against her. Seven got lost, he didn't even try to find Six when he got separated from her. She had to go find him, and secretly I wish he was dead. Maybe he'll die with his little friend in that place I found him in.

Seven POV

  After Six turned off the tv I had been sad. It's one thing for Mono to give up on me, but it's a completely different thing when Six gives up on me. I look at the nome. "Hey, mind if I call you Buddy?" The nome makes a thumbs up wich I assume means it's fine. "So, want to look for a way out of here, again?" They nod and chadder excitedly. I grab their hand and turn on my flashlight looking around. We walk forward into the darkness leaving the tv still playing the music. We wander around until we find a door with a handle. It looks openable.
  "Hey Buddy, stand on my shoulders." I say crouching down. They climb up onto my shoulders and I grab their feet as I stand up. They grab the door handle and push it down. The door slowly opens and I help Buddy down from my shoulders. We continue forward into more darkness. I step in something and I look down seeing black sludge. "Oh no." I pick up Buddy into my arms and start running as I hear the screeches of leeches behind us.
  Buddy grabs onto one of my arms and holds it in a death grip. I see a vent and run into it. I crawl as fast as I can and I see the grate up ahead. I crawl through it and I feel myself fall.


  I wake up and see Mono's still asleep. I sit up and lean against the wall behind me. I'm upset with Seven but should we really leave him wherever he is? "Mono?" He groans and opens his eyes. "What Six?" "Well um, last night you remember when I said I went to the bathroom?" He nods. I take a breath. "Well I actually went into the adjoining room and found a tv with my music box on it. And I saw Seven through the tv. He said you left him there but I didn't belive him and I turned off the tv. But I think we should go and get him, I mean, he doesn't deserve to be stuck there."
  I feel bad for lying to Mono but I don't want him mad at me. "Ok Six. We can go get him." I smile and I go over to the door. I squeeze through the door and go over to the tv. I hear a thud behind me and see Mono getting up from the floor. "Tripped over the stupid door." He mutters. I giggle and he smiles. "I love making you laugh." As he stands up I turn on the tv and look at the screen. I wait for it to glitch and show Seven but nothing happens. My music fills the room but there's no sign of Seven or his nome friend. "Let's go find him." I say to Mono. He nods and grabs my hand before pressing his other to the screen.
  He grunts for a second before a loud screech fills the room. We warp through the tv and land on the floor on the other side. Mono's lying on his back and I look at his face. It's staticy. I look away and hear him goan as he sits up. "Come on Six." He roughly grabs my hand and drags me behind him. I have to run to keep up. What's wrong with him? He's acting so mean all of a sudden. "Mono are you okay?"

Mono POV

  I'm mad. I'm mad at Six. I'm mad at Seven. I'm mad at those stupid tvs. My skin is still glitchy and I don't like it. "Mono are you okay?" I hear Six ask. I lose it, I spin around and face her. "NO! I'M NOT OKAY! EVERY TIME A WARP THROUGH ONE OF THOSE DAMN TVS MY SKIN GLITCHS! I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT'S GOING ON! I LEFF SEVEN HERE ON PURPOSE BECAUSE HE GETS IN THE WAY! AND YOU ASK ME TO COME HERE AND BEING NICE TO YOU I BRING YOU HERE! BUT MY SKIN WON'T STOP GLITCHING!" I scream at her. She looks at me with a horrified face and tears well up in her eyes.
  "FINE!" She runs off and I follow her regretting that I yelled at her. "SIX! I'M SORRY!" My skin has stopped glitching now. What's happening to me? Every time I warp through a tv with Six's music box I get upset and angry. What's happening?

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