Chapter Fifteen

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Mono POV

  As well fall onto the ground in front of the tv I groan. I don't feel mad or angry just drained from teleporting three people. I stand up slowly and turn to Six. The nome she's holding is limp. Probably dazed from teleporting for the first time. I turn to the tv. The music box is still playing but no sound. I go over to the screen and before I stop myself I punch it. The screen shatters and a loud screech fills the room. I cover my ears. I feel bad for Seven, then again, he's unconscious, he's probably fine. After a while through my hands I can hear the screech die down. I open my eyes which I had clamped shut and I see Six and the nome removing hands from their ears. "That was... uncalled for." Says Six.
  "The punching or the tv screeching?" I ask. "The tv." We walk through the hole in the door and I lay Seven down on the mattress, his arm proceeding to permanently stain the mattress red. "I'm going to go get some cloth to wrap up his arm." I tell Six and the nome. She nods and I go outside. It's snowing lightly. I go to the shop with all the dolls and I find some scrap cloth that I could use for Seven's arm. I also find a dark green long sleeved shirt and gray pants. I take those as well hoping that Seven will like it. I go back to the place me and Six are staying at.
  The nome is sitting next to Seven quietly chattering to him. I smile. It's sweet. I go over to Seven and the nome looks up at me. "Hey buddy, mind if I help your friend?" The nome backs away a little giving me room. I start to work on Seven's arm. I wrap it up in the cloth and make a small sling with the extra cloth. I put the sling over his hand and his arm is secured to his chest. The nome looks at me. "You can come back over now." They shuffle over and lay next to Seven. They lay their hand over Seven's should and I assume try to go to sleep.
  I hear a soft groan come from Seven. "Monster... hurt... BUDDY!" He screams the last part and his eyes fly open. He sits up quickly and the nome falls forward and laying in front of him. "Oh God Buddy! Are you okay?" He reachs out but when he can't move his injured arm he looks at it in the sling. He turns his head and sees me and Six. "What are you doing here?" He looks down at the mattress. "Did you? Did you guys save me?" I nod. "And for the record, I'm sorry for leaving you." He looks at me. "Are you really sorry?" I nod. He sighs. "Better to forgive them hold a grudge." He holds out his good hand.
  "Start over?" I grab his hand. "At least from the time I almost killed you." He laughs. The nome walks over to Seven and starts chattering. "He called you by your name?" Seven asks the nome. This guy can talk to nomes? The nome nods. Seven turns to me. "Funny story. You called him Buddy earlier. I named him that." I laugh. "That's a fun coincidence." Seven nods. The nome shuffles over to him and sits in his lap. I remember what I got Seven. "Oh Seven!" I reach into my jacket pocket and show him the shirt and pants I picked up. He smiles. "Thanks. I may need some help though." He points to his slinged arm.
  "I'm out! Have fun!" Says Six walking outside. I laugh as I start to help Seven change.


  I walk outside and soft snow starts to sprinkle on me. The older snow crunches under my feet. I love it here, I could live the rest of my life here. It's beautiful and amazing. I go over to the swing Mono was pushing me on... yesterday?! I can't belive it's only been one day. It's seemed like forever. I brush the new layer of snow off and sit on the swing. I start swinging my legs gently getting the swing to sway. "I love it here." I whisper into the cold air, my breath turning into a cloud in front of me. Suddenly I see the bright red jacket of Mono along with a dark green shirt of Seven.
  They're walking to the store with the dolls, where we get our clothes. I jump of the swing and run over to them kicking up snow as I run. "Mono! Seven!" I yell as I run over. I barrel into Mono and he takes a step back. "Woah Six, calm down. We came here to get Buddy some warm clothes and some boots for Seven." Mono waves Seven and Buddy over. Seven steps forward and Mono cups his hands. "I'll boost you into the window so it won't be as hard on your arm." Seven nods and let's Mono boost him up. Mono then picks up Buddy and hands him up to Seven.
  Me and Mono then climb into the store ourselves. We find some more boots quickly and we help Seven put them on. I find a smaller pair for Buddy and he gives me a thumbs up. Nomes are so cute. We find a shirt small enough for him and help Buddy put it on. Buddy looks super cute. We all go back outside and we go to the swing set. Mono pushes me on the swing while Seven and Buddy watch us. I get off soon enough and lay next to Seven making a snow angel. Seven laughs and joins me, his angel will only have one arm. Buddy lays back and I wonder how his angel will look.
  Mono lays on the other side of me and makes his snow angel. We all get up and look at the angels. It seems perfect. We're like our own little family.

Your tv turns on quickly as you look at the picture

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Your tv turns on quickly as you look at the picture.

Don't shame me I know the drawing is bad. Anyways, have a good day/night!

Tv clicks off.

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