Chapter Nine

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  We drift across the ocean. I'm not sure where Mono is or if I'll even find him. I sigh and Seven turns to me. "You okay Six, I'm sure we'll find him." Seven's right. We'll find Mono. I look up at the blue sky and wonder if he can see the same thing.

Mono POV

  They drift away on the raft. Six may not of heard me. I sit down and watch the waves lap at my feet. I look up and for once I see a pretty blue sky. The sun is shining on me. I get up after a while and go back into that store I was in earlier. I look around and I find a cute blue shirt that Six would look beautiful in. I put it in the pocket of my coat and look around some more.
  I find a red jacket that's shorter then my coat. It goes to about my knees. I smile and use that instead of my other coat.

  My other coat is grimy,dirty, and covered in that sludge me and Six waded through to escape the Hunter

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  My other coat is grimy,dirty, and covered in that sludge me and Six waded through to escape the Hunter. I carry my coat around even though it needs a good wash. I continue looking around and I don't find anything. I eventually walk outside and watch the sun set into the ocean. I use my brown coat as a cover and sleep on the beach wondering about Six.

Seven POV

  Six seems sad. Surely we'll find Mono, he's a resilient guy. He can warp through tvs, turn them on and off with just a thought, he was in a Tower for god knows how long. He's fine. He would claw his way back from the dead for Six I'm sure. The sun starts setting and Six curls up to sleep. I wonder how they even got separated.
  Did a wave take Mono? Did he fall off the side while asleep? Did something drag him away? Surely he didn't leave her on purpose, right? I sit back and watch the stars for a while before closing my eyes and falling asleep myself.


  I lay on the raft curled up trying to sleep but my worries for Mono keep me awake. What if he's hurt? What if he's floating out in the ocean trying to find his way to land? What if he's- no, I won't think like that. I want to find him, but what if I'm going in the wrong direction? I stand up and I see land nearing us. "Seven, land." I say. He stands up and we watch the land get closer.

  Eventually our raft drifts up onto a small stretch of beach. We get off of it and walk around. It's very cold out and judging from the sky it's going to storm soon. I find a place for me and Seven to stay for the night. As soon as he falls asleep I go out to explore. I won't stray far. I hear noise, faint music it sounds like. I walk towards the music enticed by the melody. I find a tv and instead of the usual static I see an actual picture.
  It looks like my music box on screen. It's playing the familiar tune. That brings up bad memories. But then again, in the cabin in the woods, it brought me comfort before Mono broke down the door and let me out. I sit down in front of the screen and watch my music box play it's tune. Suddenly the screen glitches. "Huh?" The screen glitches again and turns black for a second before a hand looks as if it's reaching for me. I scream and back away.
  My legs feel cold and when I look down I see snow surrounding them. I must've been so intent on watching my music box I didn't notice it. I look up and more snowflakes fall. I start walking back the way I came but it's so dark. I'm lost. I turn around wandering further and further from the tv. Soon the cold gets to be too much. I want to find Seven, curl up next to him and warm up. I close my eyes for a second a I feel like I'm falling.
  Nothing matters though, I'm so tired, and the snow around me is so soft.

Mono POV

  I wake up with the sun trying to bake me. I get up grudgingly and pick up my coat before walking around. I hear a sound. Music like. I walk towards it and I see a tv. Instead of the usual static I see an actual picture. It looks like Six's music box on screen. It's playing the familiar tune. That brings up bad memories. But then again, the music box lead me to her every time. I sit down in front of the screen and watch her music box play it's tune.
  Suddenly the screen glitches. "Huh?" The screen glitches again and turns black for a second before I see Six sitting behind her music box snow falling all around her. I reach towards the screen for her and she screams backing away. She looks up at the snow falling, she then turns and starts walking away. No. I press my hands against the tv trying to warp through it. The tv pushes back, not wanting me to go through. "I. Need. SIX!" I scream at the tv.
  Suddenly I fall through and into snow. My skin feels weird and glitchy. I shake it off and walk forward following Six's quickly disappearing footprints. Eventually the snow filled them up and I lose her trail. "Six! SIX!" I call out trying to find her. My jacket whips around me in the cold wind. Snow blows into my face trying to blind me but I wipe it away. "SIX!" I walk forward and stumble. I tripped over something.
  I continue forward trying to find any sign of her yellow raincoat. I look behind me and I see at the spot where I tripped there's a little piece of yellow sticking out of the snow. Raincoat yellow.

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