Chapter Twelve

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Mono POV

  I see Six has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I pick her up and carry her to a building. I see a mattress and I lay her down on it. I lay next to her and wonder why my arm looked staticky after I warped through the tv with Six's music playing on it. I pull down my sleeve and look at my arm again. It's hard to see it without light but it looks like it's back to normal. Suddenly I hear more of Six's music. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." I stand up and I walk towards the music. I see a partially broken door and I squeeze through it. I go over to the music box tv and I watch the screen. "You going to show me something again?"

Seven POV

  Me and the nome wander around until I hear some music. "What's that?" I go towards the music and I see a tv with a music box on the screen. It's playing the music. I watch the tv and the screen glitches and turns black before I see Mono staring at me from behind the screen. He has on earmuffs and a scarf. "What? Mono?!"

Mono POV

  The screen glitches and I see Seven standing with a small kid like thing wearing a cone hat. "What? Mono?!" Seven's voice says through the tv slightly muffled. I press my hands against the tv and when it relents I push back. I warp through the tv and as I roll out of the tv my skin feels worse. I stand up and look at Seven. "You're alive?" He nods. "Yeah, I trapped here so if you could-" "No."

Seven POV

  I stare at Mono as he rolls out of the tv screen. He stands up and looks at me. "You're alive?" I nod. "Yeah, I'm trapped here so if you could-" "No." I stare at Mono confused. "What? Did you just say 'no'?" He nods. "Why? I'm sure Six-" "Six is happy with me. We don't need you. Besides. She thinks you're dead from the cave in. So, you can stay dead." He turns his back to me. And as he pushes through the tv I grab his ankle, I feel the nome grab mine and we all warp through the tv together.

Mono POV

  I turn my back to Seven. He's just going to ruin things. I push through the tv and as I warp through I feel a hand wrap around my ankle. I kick at Seven as we warp through but he holds on. We fall out of the tv together and I see that kid with the cone shaped hat had grabbed Seven's ankle as well. I stand up tired and I yell at Seven who's still recovering from his trip. "WHY'D YOU GRAB MY ANKLE?! YOU SERIOUSLY COULD'VE HURT ME, YOURSELF, OR YOUR FRIEND!" I want to hit him.
  I go over to him and pick him up by the shirt collar. "You always ruin everything! So why did you come with me?!" Seven stares at me blankly. "I love Six and I don't want to hurt her! But having you around is holding us back! We've had a great day after 'losing' you!" I growl at him. He pulls on my hand but I have a tight grip on his shirt. "I could easily kill you, but I won't." The kid with the cone hat jumps up grabbing Seven's foot. I smile cruelly.
  "Besides, you have another friend." Before either of them can react I throw Seven through the tv and back into the place I found him in. As soon as he's through I turn of my tv and go back through the door. Six is still asleep. I go over and lay down next to her. I grab her hand and go to sleep.

Seven POV

  I land on the ground in front of the tv and groan. My body wasn't made for going through tvs. Especially without Mono. I don't even know how he threw me through the tv. I sit up and I see Mono reach for the off button on his side. He dissapears and I cry. I was so close to getting out of here. My nome friend comes over to me and hugs me. I wrap my arms around them and cry into their small shoulder. They talk to me in their nome language and I laugh. "You're right about Mono. He's mean." They pat my back and I smile.
  I stand up and pick up my friend. "At least you won't leave me." They chatter some more and nod reassuringly. The music box plays and I sit down again. Maybe some music will comfort me.


  I feel Mono's hand wrap around mine. Something woke me up a few seconds ago. I slip my hand out of his and walk around. I see a partially broken door. I squeeze through it and see a tv. Maybe Mono was doing something for me. I sigh reassured and turn around to go back when the tv clicks on behind me. I hear my music play and turn around to see my music box on screen. I go over to it and suddenly I see Seven with a nome on his lap watching the tv. "Six?" His voice asks through the tv. It's slightly muffled.
  "Seven? Is that you?" He nods. "Yeah, and you wanna know something? You're boyfriend Mono left me here! He could've brought me back to you guys but he left me here!" I don't belive it. "No, Seven. Mono's the kindest guy I know! He loves me! And if he knew you were alive he wouldn't leave you there! He'd bring you back, just to make me happy!" Seven shakes his head. "He said that I ruined everything, that you guys were happy without me!" I see tears start to run down Seven's face. Surely he heard Mono wrong. Surely he didn't even see Mono. Surely Mono would bring back Seven to make me happy. Right? "I don't believe you." I mutter to Seven.

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