Chapter Six

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Mono POV

  I fall out of the tv somewhere in the city. I wish I had went with Six and Seven. I feel like the drop is happening again, only I'm the one that let go, and I dropped Six. It hurts, really bad. I sit with the tv playing static behind me. I go over to the only window and jump up onto the sill. I see a small yellow dot in the expanse of the ocean. I know it's Six. I feel tears slip out of my eyes. I would rather leave with her then stay in this city all alone. I watch her until she dissapears from my sight. I've lost Six. And it's my fault.
  I know it's my fault. If a hadn't of been so upset with leaving I could be with her right now. Going to a whole new place. Rain hits the window and I feel like it's taunting me. I sigh and see a armchair I could rest in. Maybe I can find her after a rest. I go over to the chair and curl up ready to sleep. Suddenly there's banging on the door and dread fills me. I quickly run to the tv and warp through it as a Watcher busts through the door. I fall out of another tv and look around. I'm in the post office.
  Why am I here? I turn and see I came out of the tv in between boxes. I reach up and touch my fingertips to the tv and very painfully warp through the tv. When I come out of the next tv I'm in pain. Because my body wasn't fully in front of the tv it hurt me to warp through it. I lay on the wooden floor and look up at the ceiling hurting everywhere. The pain temporarily distracts me from losing Six. I sit up and look around, there's a chair, a couch, some dishes that need washing, some clothes of an unfortunate Watcher who was taken by the Signal Tower, and there's another room attached.
  I stand up and groan as every bone protests. Hopefully it wears off. I go into the next room and see a fridge in the corner. I go over and jump up, grabbing the handle and opening the fridge. I jump down and look up at the shelves of food. It should still be ok since it's blasting cold air on me. I climb up and find something to eat. It's a sausage. I jump down and start to eat my sausage while figuring out what to do. Should I stay here until Six comes back, or should I go to the beach and wait for her there? I look around the rooms and figure staying here for a while won't hurt.
  I'll watch the window pointing towards the sea, and if I see her I'll go down there and meet up with her. It's the perfect plan. I start to work on making this place more homey. I get rid of the clothes of the Watcher, I clean the dishes that are dirty, and then I sit in the window watching the sea. Is Six okay?


  We sit on the raft drifting in the ocean. Seven plays with his flashlight and I look at Mono's paper bag. I was going to return it to him but I never got the chance. Suddenly a wave makes our raft lurch. "Huh?" I put Mono's bag in my pocket and turn around to see a nasty storm brewing. "Oh no. Seven." "I see it." He stands beside me and I resist the urge to grab his hand. It won't be that bad right? Another wave hits our raft and soaks us. I hear the thunder of the storm I know I'm dead wrong.
  The very first bad wave hits us and our raft flips over. I swim out from under it and break the surface sputtering. I see Seven on the other side of the raft. "Sev-" And wave hits me and I get a mouthful of water. I break the violent surface again and sit out water. I look around but I see no sign of Seven. "SEVEN! SEVEN WHERE ARE Y-" Another wave crashes into me cutting off my words. I try to swim to the surface but wave after wave keeps me under.
  The last thing I think before passing out is, is Mono okay?

Mono POV

  I look out the window and see a violent storm heading my way. Hopefully Six and Seven didn't run into that. I watch the ocean carefully and I think I spot a small dot of yellow. No, it can't be Six, my eyes are playing tricks on me. I see the dot get hit by a wave and it shows up again. I can't take it. I need to know if it's Six. I run over to the tv and warp through it. I find myself on the beach and I take off my coat running into the water.
  I swim towards the yellow thing in the distance. I hope it isn't Six. I swim towards it and when I reach it I realize it's just her raincoat. That's not good. I grab her raincoat and look around. Surely Six is close by. I dunk under the water and look around. I see a small figure descending into the darkness of the water. I take a quick breath and swim down after her. I grab her arm and haul her up to the surface.
  How long was she under? I keep her head above the water and swim back towards the beach. I drag her onto the sand beside me and look at her still frame. She's still in that blue cotton dress I found her in. Her raincoat is over my shoulder. I check for a pulse and I don't feel one. I start doing CPR hoping I can save her. I quickly remember that mouth to mouth is an effective way of helping someone who drowned.
  I pinch her nose and open her mouth gently with my other hand. I press my mouth against her and give her some of my air. Her eyes fly open and she coughs out water. I sigh with relief and roll her onto her side helping her. After she coughs up water she looks up at me. "Mono?" She rasps. I nod. She smiles and passes out. I pick her up and go over to the tv picking up my coat and warping through the tv.

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