Chapter Eight

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Seven POV

  When I wake up I stand up and pull my coat back on. I start walking around and explore this new place. I look over to my left and I see a tall metal tower leaning. I walk towards that curious. I eventually find myself in an area where I can see it fully and my mouth drops open. It has support pillars leading up to one column. It's leaning to the side slightly giving it a dying flower look.
  It's so amazing. I walk towards it and stop to rest at tree every once in a while. As I continue forward I get to see how massive this tower is. It's huge, bigger then the Signal Tower, I could climb this for days and still not reach the top. It's huge. I can't get over how big it is. I stare at it amazed.

Mono POV

  I sit with Six on our little raft. She's leaning against me and I have my arm protectively wrapped around her. I watch as we drift away from the city and it's constant cover of clouds and rain. I look up and see the moon, it's beautiful out here at night. I feel Six shift and look over at her. She's looking up at the moon too. "Pretty." She mumbles.
  "Yeah." I stand up and hold out my hand to her. She takes it with a questioning look on her face. I continue holding her hand and wrap my arm around her waist. I pull her close. "Follow my lead." We start dancing together under the moonlight. She steps on my feet a little but it's perfect.
  I spin her around gaining a smile. She lays her head against my chest. "That was wonderful, thank you." She says. I smile and place my head on top of hers. Eventually we sit down together and I close my eyes enjoying the night.

  I wake up and sit up. I realize I'm on a beach, the waves are lapping at my feet. What happened? I look around but I don't see Six, not a sign of her yellow raincoat. "Six?" I call as I stand up. "Six!" I can't find her anywhere. "SIX!" I start running around the back looking for her. I trip over something and as I pick myself up from the ground I see the picture we all took in front of me. Six had it. Where is she?


  I wake up on the raft. I remember dancing with Mono last night. I stand up and look behind me to wake up Mono. He's not there. "Mono?" I turn around looking for him. "Mono!" I search the water. No sign of him. "MONO!" I yell out tears streaming down my face. I sit down in the middle of the raft and cry into my knees.
  After a while I stand up and look around again. I see something in the distance and when I squint it looks like a tower leaning to the side. Not like the Signal Tower this one is made purely of metal bars. The raft drifts closer and I sit down waiting for the raft to drift up to the beach. Eventually it does and I get off of the raft and walk forward into a town. I don't see any signs of monsters. I walk around and eventually walk towards the direction of the Tower.
  I walk towards it and see it's huge. It also has four support pillars leading up to the one column. I walk towards it and soon I see something standing under it. I cautiously sneak forward towards the thing standing under the tower and as I near I realize it's a kid like me. The kid is wearing a black jacket.
  "Hey!" I call out. The kid turns and I see it's Seven. I didn't recognize him wearing a black jacket. "Six?" He runs up to me and hugs me forcefully. "Hey Seven. I lost you in that crazy storm. Mono found me and took me to the apartment he was staying at. I asked him if we could find you and we built a raft. After we set sail I lost him somehow." I say giving Seven the whole story.
  He looks at me dumbstruck. "You lost Mono, trying to find me?" I nod. "Six, I was perfectly fine, I can understand you were worried. But I'm fine. You should go find Mono." "But you're like family to me! At least come with me." He shakes his head. "Six I'm having a good time here, besides, I feel like I don't belong when you and Mono are together."
  I punch him. "OW! What was that for?" "Being stupid! Seven, I love having you around. Come on, let's go find Mono." He rubs his arm and nods. "As long as I don't get punched again." I laugh and we walk towards the beach. When we reach the raft I help Seven push it into the water and we climb onto it.
  We sit down and I watch the new place fade away as we drift away, hopefully towards Mono. "I'm coming for you Mono." I whisper.

Mono POV

  I walk along the beach sadly. The trail of footprints I leave behind gets washed away by the waves. I stare at the water damaged picture me, Six, and Seven took together. I look up and see a Tower leaning to the side. I also see a town next to it. I go into the town and look around. I go into a shop through a hole in the wall and see it's full of clothes. I find myself a black T-shirt and take off my old dirty brown shirt.
  I put on the T-shirt and put my coat back on. I walk out of the shop and walk out of town back down to the beach. I see something in the water far away. Is it? I squint and see it is. It's Six, she's sitting next to another kid wearing a black jacket. They're floating away on the raft together. "SIX!" I scream cupping my hands around my mouth.

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